Yay it is caturday! I can has cheezburger rules!– icanhascheezburger.com
Very Funny Cats 35
Yay it is caturday! I can has cheezburger rules!– icanhascheezburger.com. friend is back on number 1! www.youtube.com
Bell The CAT – Let’s ***** The CAT of IIM Institutes in India
n Admission Test – http://bellthecat2010.tripod.com
What is IIM’s CAT (Common Admission Test) all about?
CAT – The Common Admission Test to the six IIMs is also the entrance test for few other top B-Schools such as SP Jain, MICA, and T A Pai. CAT tests your skills in five broad areas viz.
Verbal ability and reasoning Reading Comprehension Quantitative skills Data Interpretation Analytical and Logical reasoning.
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One for thing Guyz, do you have good material to share ? Would you like to share it with others through this site ? If yes, then please Mail Me.
Bell The CAT 2010
Bell The CAT
Books for CAT Preparation
CAT Preparation
CAT Material
The test comprised 90 questions divided into 3 sections in the year 2005. Typically this test can be expected to comprise between 75 to 150 objective type questions and is usually divided into three to four sections. Each question has a question statement followed by four alternate answer choices and the candidate has to choose the best answer for each of the questions and mark it on a special Optical Reader answer sheet.
Over the years, the number of questions being asked in CAT has been decreasing steadily. While the early 90s witnessed 180 to 200 questions, the late 90s, specifically CAT 1999 and CAT 2000 had 165 questions each. CAT 2001, CAT 2002 and CAT 2003 had only 150 questions each and these 150 questions were divided into three sections of 50 questions each. There were 123 questions in CAT 2004 and only 90 in CAT 2005. CAT 2004 and CAT 2005 both had differential marks to questions. There were 0.5 marks, 1 mark and 2 marks questions.
The duration of the test is of 120 minutes. This literally translates to answering a CAT question in 48 seconds. Most successful aspirants do not attempt anything more than 120 plus questions. And quite a lot of them attempt between 70 and 90 marks worth of questions. The key to success, therefore, lies in two important parameters
1. The accuracy or strike rate
While each correct answer carries 0.5 or 1 or 2 positive mark, each incorrect question carries 1/3rd of the marks allocated to it as negative marks. Hence, it is important to get a strike rate of over 85% – that is reduce the number of negatives.
2. Smart Selection
As it is clear that you will not be generally able to attempt all 150 marks question, and you skip between 60 to 80 questions, key to success lies in selecting questions properly. Hence, there are no kudos, nobel prizes or awards waiting for attempting the tough questions. Be smart to choose, the easiest of the questions and the ones that you have practised a lot and smash them. Do not venture into unsafe territories or to questions which you only have a vague idea.
CAT and entrance tests of other top B Schools are a unique breed of entrance exams. They focus on testing some of the basic qualities essential for managers – the grit to work hard, smartness to choose the best alternative, quick thinking and above all perseverance.
Exams like IIT JEE test the depth of your knowledge, while the Civil Services exams test your width of knowledge. CAT evaluates your presence of mind and the ability to perform under pressure. You cannot prepare for CAT during the last 10 days, as one generally does for semester exams. A minimum of 3 to 9 months of regular preparation is essential.
The test comprised 90 questions divided into 3 sections in the year 2005. Typically this test can be expected to comprise between 75 to 150 objective type questions and is usually divided into three to four sections. Each question has a question statement followed by four alternate answer choices and the candidate has to choose the best answer for each of the questions and mark it on a special Optical Reader answer sheet.
Over the years, the number of questions being asked in CAT has been decreasing steadily. While the early 90s witnessed 180 to 200 questions, the late 90s, specifically CAT 1999 and CAT 2000 had 165 questions each. CAT 2001, CAT 2002 and CAT 2003 had only 150 questions each and these 150 questions were divided into three sections of 50 questions each. There were 123 questions in CAT 2004 and only 90 in CAT 2005. CAT 2004 and CAT 2005 both had differential marks to questions. There were 0.5 marks, 1 mark and 2 marks questions.
The duration of the test is of 120 minutes. This literally translates to answering a CAT question in 48 seconds. Most successful aspirants do not attempt anything more than 120 plus questions. And quite a lot of them attempt between 70 and 90 marks worth of questions. The key to success, therefore, lies in two important parameters
1. The accuracy or strike rate
While each correct answer carries 0.5 or 1 or 2 positive mark, each incorrect question carries 1/3rd of the marks allocated to it as negative marks. Hence, it is important to get a strike rate of over 85% – that is reduce the number of negatives.
2. Smart Selection
As it is clear that you will not be generally able to attempt all 150 marks question, and you skip between 60 to 80 questions, key to success lies in selecting questions properly. Hence, there are no kudos, nobel prizes or awards waiting for attempting the tough questions. Be smart to choose, the easiest of the questions and the ones that you have practised a lot and smash them. Do not venture into unsafe territories or to questions which you only have a vague idea.
CAT and entrance tests of other top B Schools are a unique breed of entrance exams. They focus on testing some of the basic qualities essential for managers – the grit to work hard, smartness to choose the best alternative, quick thinking and above all perseverance.
Exams like IIT JEE test the depth of your knowledge, while the Civil Services exams test your width of knowledge. CAT evaluates your presence of mind and the ability to perform under pressure. You cannot prepare for CAT during the last 10 days, as one generally does for semester exams. A minimum of 3 to 9 months of regular preparation is essential.
Here the old well known folk song “SCARLET RIBBONS” performed by The Cats. The clip shows the group during the recording in the studio.
Cats Ringworm & Tapeworm
All cats will be affected by worms at some point in their life and a great deal will be re-infected unless they’re given a routine worming treatment. Eliminating worms is relatively simple and affordable, so regular treatment is strongly recommended, particularly as some types of worm can be passed onto humans.
What sort of worms affect cats?
There are two important types of parasitic worms in cats – roundworms and tapeworms.
Roundworms can grow up to 15 cm long and are white in colour. As their name suggests they’re round, whereas tapeworms are flat. Tapeworms can grow up to 60 cm long. Both roundworms and tapeworms live in the cat’s intestines (along with two other types of smaller worm called whip worms and hookworms). These are parasitic worms that can live in the cat’s lungs, heart, stomach or bladder.
How are worms treated?
There are some highly effective treatments that will kill worms. Although not all the products are the same, some work against certain types of worms and others don’t. Your vet will be able to suggest to you which product is best for your cat. Worms are so common that it’s safe to assume that all kittens, cats with fleas, and animals which on a regular basis catch wildlife will be infected. Kittens should be treated with wormers every 2 weeks, from the age of 6to 16 weeks, and older cats should be treated about every 3 months. You should discuss with your vet the most appropriate treatment schedule for your pet.
How can I treat roundworms in my cat?
Immature worms can be passed from a mother to her kittens, whilst they’re still in the womb or via the milk. Roundworms grow in the intestine of young cats, laying thousands of eggs which pass out in the faeces . Most adult cats develop a level of immunity and don’t pass on the eggs but some continue to do so throughout their life. The eggs can survive for months or even years in the soil before infecting another animal. They find their way into a new host either directly, (when eaten by a cat) or indirectly, (after being swallowed by a rodent which is then eaten by the cat). Immature worms also survive in the tissues of an infected cat and can develop again if a female cat becomes pregnant.
Treatments for roundworms usually kill all adult worms in the intestine but don’t have any lasting effect. This means that cats can easily be re-infected. It is not easy to tell if an animal has been re-infected, so treatment should be given on a regular basis to remove any worms present. It is likely that young cats will have roundworms and so treatment should be started at 6 weeks of age and continued at the recommended interval for the product used until adulthood.
How can I treat tapeworms in my cat?
Tapeworms anchor themselves by their head to the intestine wall and grow a continuous ribbon of segments, each packed with eggs. The segments gradually break off and are passed out in the faeces. These segments look like grains of rice and may wriggle like a maggot for a short time before they dry up. The most common type of tapeworm moves on to a new cat by way of fleas. Immature fleas pick up infection from cat faeces and cats are then infected if they accidentally swallow an adult flea while grooming themselves. There is also a rarer type of tapeworm which uses mice, other rodents and rabbits to complete its life-cycle. This parasite lies inactive in the muscle or other organs of a small rodent or rabbit and cats are infected if they eat these animals.
How often should I treat my cat?
This depends on each cats individual circumstances. Some cats, ie indoor cats, may never be exposed to worms and so don’t need repeated treatments once worms have been eliminated as a kitten. The products usually used to treat worms do not have any persistent action so pets may become re-infected immediately after treatment. Most vets recommend treating pets every 3-6 months but cats that do a lot of hunting may need to be treated more frequently. You should ask your own vet for advice on the best way to control infection in your pet.
Are any other worms a problem?
There is a kind of roundworm (Angiostrongylus) that can live in the blood vessels of affected cats. Severe infection with this worm can cause lung disease and heart failure but also can result in problems with blood clotting. Some other worms that reside in the lungs or respiratory system can also cause coughing. Special tests are needed to identify infection with these parasites but they can be treated.
Hookworms and whip worms are rarely seen in pet cats in modern countries but may occasionally be seen where large numbers of cats are kept together. Infections with large numbers of worms may result in diarrhea and weight loss. Many of the routine drugs used for removing other worms are also effective against these.
How else can I prevent worms?
Apart from regularly worming your pets, there are a number of other measures which can stop worms being passed on from cat to cat, or from cat to people.
• If your cat uses the garden as a toilet, clean up the faeces and bury them or put them inside a sealed bag in the garbage.
• Check your cat for signs of fleas and treat them regularly using a product recommended by your vet. Fleas are more numerous during summer and autumn, although will survive all year round in the right conditions.
• Children will put their fingers and other objects into their mouths and this may bring them into contact with worm eggs. Make sure that they wash their hands after playing in any open areas which may have been used as a toilet by cats. Remember the greatest risk of children being infected with worms is from other children, not your cat.
For more cat care articles, videos and cheap cat products go to www.allcatproducts.com
My cat tends want to fight and attack my other cats! How do I stop this behavior?
My cat was an outside cat! We had him for about 7 months! He is freindly with humans and loves to be petted/rubbed! However, he see my other cats and want to jump on them and bite! Then when we pick him up and take him to a seperate room he bites out hands! I am not sure if this aggressive behavior will change or if my cat will get along with my other cats!
Keeping Your Feline Friend Fresh With Pine Cat Litter
Cat litter has definitely provided a lot of pet and homeowners with so much convenience. Before cat lovers had to put up with the unbearable stench of cat urine and feces but thanks to cat litter, Pussy’s excrements are easy to eliminate and no longer as bad smelling. There are many different kinds and brands of cat litter in the market and one of the best of them all is pine cat litter.
Cat litter is used as a filling material for cat litter boxes where house cats defecate or urinate. The cat litter is supposed to absorb the moisture and reduce the bad smell coming from urine and feces, making the litter box more bearable at home. Pine cat litter fulfills these roles remarkably well, making it one of the best choices as a litter box filler.
There are different kinds of cat litter available in the market, allowing cat owners to choose from the wide variety according to their tastes and purposes. Some cat lovers choose cat litter for their odor control and absorbing power. Others choose cat litter that cannot easily be scattered all over the house. Some buy cat litter because they are biodegradable and environment friendly. Pine cat litter apparently can fulfill these considerations as it quite absorbent, track-resistant, and easy to dispose of.
Pine cat litter is a very much recommended type of cat litter for all cat lovers everywhere. A lot of people who have tried other kinds of cat litter such as clay, silica, sand, have ended up using pine cat litter because of its many advantages. There were people who first doubted using pine cat litter, but eventually they realized that it probably is the best kind of cat litter available commercially.
What Makes Pine Cat Litter So Good
Pine cat litter is a very good choice among other kinds of cat litter. First of all, it is organic – a gift of Mother Nature. It comes from recycled materials and it is in itself recyclable. Pine cat litter comes from biodegradable pine sawdust, it can easily be flushed down your toilet in small amounts. It can also be mixed into your garden soil to be used as compost fertilizer, saving you the need to buy synthetic or commercial plant food.
Pine cat litter also does not contain silica dust, unlike other types of cat litter like clay. Silica dust can be hazardous to health, and it would not be advisable to have them in products like cat litter. The dust particles can go airborne and be inhaled not only by your cat but other members of the family as well and this can cause a lot of problems in the lungs. When inhaled, silica dust can induce bronchitis or even lung cancer. It is not worth the risk to get these diseases just for a cheaper brand of cat litter. Pine cat litter would probably be a better choice for you and your cat in terms of health concerns.
Some cat owners get worried that their cats would not welcome the switch from their old cat litter to pine cat litter. Pine cat litter may have a very different texture from other kinds of cat litter. It usually comes in pellet form unlike the softer texture of other types, which seems to be more comfortable for cats. However, cats are actually tougher than most people think and they can definitely withstand the rougher texture of pine cat litter. Some cats may even like the tough consistency better than the sandy and smooth grain of other cat litter types.
Pine cat litter can be the best choice for you and your cat. It does most, if not everything that you would expect from an excellent cat litter. It is a good absorbent and deodorizer. It is easy to clean up and can even have other uses after consumption. It is safe for your health and that of your cat’s. Most of all, it is environment friendly, so you do not have to worry about contributing to the deterioration of the planet.
The next time you buy cat litter for your feline friend, consider getting pine cat litter. It is good for you cat, good for you, and good for the planet. What more can you ask for?
“NORA: Practice Makes Purr-fect” – Check the sequel too.
Sequel is also up. Don’t miss it! This is not a trick that was taught to Nora. She began sitting at the piano at about one-year-old. She’s four now. She plays only when the mood strikes her, which is usually several time a times a day for short periods. © 2007/2008 Yow!/Alexander, Nora The Piano Cat,LLC … piano music video cat nora musical pets cats
Tired Of Litter Box Odor? Cat Furniture Might Be The Solution!
Does the thought of a litter box make you cringe? Most people have the same sentiment towards litterboxes, as their reputation is a stinky and dirty one! Why not consider buying cat furniture to hide the kitty box?
A simple and effective approach to hiding litter box odor is to invest in a kitty condo/house. At the lowest level is a box with a slide out door to put your litter tray in. There is a small hole in the side for your cat to gain entry. The next level is a feeding area where you can keep your cat’s food elevated away from dogs or children. There is a play center in the middle and two sleeping platforms at the top. Also, there are multiple scratching posts in the formation. This is a great way to offer your cat everything he needs and help eliminate some of those cat box odors.
Another option to make your litter tray less unsightly is a product known as a bookcase climber. It is a walnut finished bookcase with cushioned sleeping and play areas for your cats. It also has two enclosed compartments: one for your litter box and one for extra storage. The bookcase climber is an excellent space for your cats. The litter tray smell will decrease, and you have extra storage for your cat’s food and litter mix. A wonderful alternative to this, which doesn’t take up nearly as much space, is a set of pet steps, which are great for both cats and dogs, and are available with built-in compartments.
A litter robot is also an interesting and practical option for solving your cat box problems. It is a spherical, dome-like, self-cleaning litter unit. The entrance is small to give your cat privacy. The litter robot automatically sifts through the litter and stores the waste in a carrier bag that can simply be taken out and thrown away. This unit is extremely efficient at keeping odors from escaping. It’s also intriguing to look at.
Are you starting to like the idea of cat furniture? It is very beneficial to hiding the litter box and its nasty smells. You can find cat litter furniture at many pet stores and online. In addition to cat furniture, those of you who own dogs as well may find the many uses of dog stairs to be beneficial to you and your pet. These can be found online in pre-constructed format or custom-built.
Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap, a Friend at Your Door Step
Are you a cat lover? If so how many cats do you have? Is your cat good at home? Well, Of course, it is really very easy answering such questions, when raised by someone or other.
But what would be the answer if the question falls the other way round, such as, is your cat really secure? Does your cat return home safely at nights, without any rashes or bruises that are indeed created by other cats?
Are you sure, that your loveable cat alone eats the quality cat food that you have bought to her with at most care and affection? Most of the cat lovers would be finding it difficult to answer these questions.
Indeed these are the daily problems faced by cat lovers. These questions make the cat lovers feel worried about their dearest pets, creating a mourning atmosphere in their minds.
Sometimes it’s really hard to experience situations when the pet leaves the home and stays lost for two to three days. Is there a remedy for all these hard moments? If at all there is a solution, will it guarantee on the safety and security of the pet? Or are there any permanent solutions for all these problems to come to an end.
Can your cat be safe from being bullied by other stray cats? Can your cat be safe in indoor without escaping, if the weather outside is very terrible and violent? The answer for all these questions is so easy, and it is as simple as looking for sweet in a sugar factory. Of course, the answer for this is a big “YES!”.
The antidote for all these physical and environmental threats that are literally experienced by the owner and the pet has now come to light. The product is a nascent technology launched in our markets, which can be readily put to working status. It is what we call as PETPORTE CAT FLAP.
The Microchip Petporte Catflap is a great remedy for cat lovers and to keep other cats out. It exists to provide advanced animal access systems to make both cats and their owners lives better.
This is a Collarless technology, which indeed keeps the pet away from hard and rough collars which leaves a mark on the neck of the pet.
Petporte Catflap was invented and patented by one of the Guernsey’s leading vets, who wishes to remain nameless, which is just a series of inventions that will be coming onto the market intended to make your life, and your cat’s life, more enjoyable.
Petporte is the first Catflap in the world to prevent other cats from entering your home and recognizing your cat without the need for cat electronic, magnetic cat collar attachments, heavy collar tags, restrictive collars and infra red.
The owner of the pet need not worry because there are no harmful magnetic fields or infra red light emitted from the device that could make the pet sick, this product is highly reliable and secure and there is no danger involved in it at all.
Pet Porte, indeed will be friendly equipment for the safety of the pet. The Pet Porte product is not at all complicated, and it’s really very simple and ready for use, most probably the user of this Pet Porte product will not require you to constantly refer to the manual, because the whole technology works using just two simple buttons, one in red and the other in green.
Only the cats which have been previously programmed by the microchip gains access through the highly tensile magic door.
In the PetPorte Catflap there are two distinct modes worth mentioning.
The modes of operation that are likely to be used here are the VET MODE and the NIGHT MODE:
The vet mode is most commonly used in order to keep the pet indoor due to some specific reasons. And night mode uses a little more advanced technology, in which the magic door gets automated according to the light intensity of the outside atmosphere, thus it remains locked at nights, and of course the pet will always have access through the Catflap when it is outside the house. Thus these multimodal operations make Petporte Catfap unique from all the other Catflaps.
Now, while discussing about the initial steps of installation procedures, makes one feel that Petporte Catflap, is designed with at most simplicity and a product that shows a great deal of flexibility.
Programming the Petporte is again a very short and simple process, as there are no complex steps involved, indeed the whole installation is only a single step process.
The owner has to just press and hold the green button (beep sound is heard) and then the pet is made to pass through the magic door under the range of the sensor porch (beep sound is heard again).That is all the owner has to do, in order to finish with the programming process, in this same method an average of 32 different cats (approx) can be programmed.
There may be a question arising among the users that what actually happens when the pet is made to pass through the Petporte. This is nothing but, when the pet is passed through the Petporte the intelligent sensors present in the body of the Catflap recognizes the existing microchip ID implants, so this method is highly secure and reliable and its clearly evident from this fact that stray cats will never find an entry into the house .
This adorable product uses an adapter that is fixed directly to the power supply, rather than using batteries which may run out frequently or unexpectedly .The power supply that enters this Catflap is very safe, and its not at all harmful for the pet in any means, here there are no chances of short circuits or earth line problems, even if the pet chews or pounces on the lead insulated cables, as the voltage is very less and it’s only around twelve volts. Thus the information in Petporte’s memory is left as it is even if there happens to be a sudden power failure.
The major characteristics of the magic door that is used in the Petporte is that its highly tensile and strong as it has the capacity to withstand the pouncing/attacks ,even if it is created by the toughest cat around on the streets.
As the door is connected to the mains power, the magic door opens/closes at the blink of an eye, i.e. in just few microseconds, so that you’re lovable cat can enjoy its play with the Petporte, even if she/he loves to dash in and out frequently.
The Petporte is friendly device to your pet, and it is designed in such a way that, there will not be any possibilities in which the tail or the paws of the pet getting stuck. Eventually there are no possibilities for other stray cats to enter, thus making your cat feel free and relaxed at all times.
The Petporte Catflap has many salient features which makes it unique and reliable when compared to all the other Catflaps. In fact the other Catflaps such as traditional, magnetic and infrared flaps have their own disadvantages at different situations.
Firstly, while discussing about the features of the traditional cat flaps, when used and kept under observation for few days causes many drastic moments. The result is that within one night the owner can see his house ruined i.e. his carpets torn and scrambled, urine all over the wall, the cat food missing from its tray, the pet left with the marks of being bullied-all these are the nonsense created by the non others, but the stray cats. Thus these are the adverse effects caused when traditional type flaps are used.
Secondly, comes the magnetic Catflaps kind of flaps, all the pets which exist with magnetic collars can gain access through the door, this is a major drawback. And the other issue is that, magnetic collars are heavily and tight, that makes the pet feel uncomfortable.
Thirdly comes the infrared Catflaps, these Flaps have sensors both at the transmitting and receiving ends and the door opens only if the sensor in the collar points directly to the sensor on the door. These Infrared Catflaps are expensive too, indeed the amount of complexity involved in these methods are more .Finally all these demerits or disadvantages experienced when using other Catflaps are in turn changed into an advantage, merit or a positive point when Petporte Microchip Catflap is used.
The Microchip Petporte Catflap was invented with lots of advantages in it like,The irritation caused by the collar on a cat can be averted by the use of the cats existing microchip.With the help of locking mechanism, stray cat can be kept away from dearest cats.To understand a cat need better, this has been purely invented by a vet, therefore the cat needs can be catered much efficiently by use of Microchip Petporte Catflap.
The pains of bringing a cat at nights it’s not an issue, by the use of Microchip Petporte Catflap the light level will be detected automatically and thereby your cats can sub sequentially brought into house at nights.
With the presence of Microchip Petporte Catflap, you will be able to know, if your cat inside the house or elsewhere, the beeping system of Pet Port will make you aware of the presence of your cat inside the house. You can easily switch the beep off if you want to.
The presence of magnetic latch in the Microchip Petporte Catflap, keeps the flap intact when the wind blows thus protecting the cats from getting hurt.
The simple two button operation mechanism Microchip Petporte Catflap, gives a full control over cats world.
Microchip Petporte Catflap allows you to program up to 32 cats of your choice and only the cats which are programmed can be under the scrutiny.
The programmable microchip within Microchip Petporte Catflap prevents the loss of information about cat during a short circuit or power failure.
All of this comes under low voltage intake with no batteries to replace so your cat can always come back inside.
This product is cat friendly where the doors are specially designed and makes it virtually impossible for your cat to get its paws stuck in the door. Hence the Petporte Microchip Catflap is a divine product that has been launched in the markets in order to quench the thirst of worried cat lovers, and this is a great time for those cat lovers to make full use of this great product.
The product has satisfied the customers whomsoever use the Petporte, thus making the users feel comfortable and relaxed at nights rather than worrying about their pets, since there is a friend there at the door step giving at most security to the loveable pets.
Get yours from http://www.microchipcatflaps.co.uk/ – a website recommended by Cats Protection and Your Cat magazine.
How do I keep neighborhood cats from pooping on my lawn?
I live in a fairly typical suburban area with many cat owners. For some reason they crap on my front lawn (the cats not the cat owners!). I thought only dogs did this, as cats like to bury their turds in soft dirt or ground cover. And yeah, they are definitely cat turds. I have a dog and know the difference.
What Exactly is a Siamese Cat?
Siamese cats were originally from Siam and have gained popularity in the past one hundred years or so as house pets. They were typically bred only for the wealthy, but these days anyone who wishes to can own a Siamese cat can do so with ease.
For those who are not familiar with the Siamese cat breeds, there may be some confusion when choosing these types of cats as a pet. Most people do not even know that there are sub types in the category of Siamese cats. While most Siamese cats will be light tan in color with darker brown points on their ears, tail and legs, they will also have a darker mask around their eyes, which are always blue. There are some rarer types that will have a more blue tint to the darker brown coloring. All Siamese cats have hind legs that are longer than their front legs are.
They are different from typical house cats in that they can not sheathe their back claws. There are two main types of Siamese cats that you can own, the first is called an Apple Head Siamese cat and the other is called a Wedge Head Siamese cat.
How to Differentiate Between the Apple Head Siamese and Wedge Head Siamese Cats
There are two basic types of Siamese cats; the classic, which is also know as an apple head, and the extreme type which is known as a wedge head Siamese cat.
The Apple Head Siamese Cats
The Apple Head or classic Siamese cat will be a sturdy cat which is larger and has a fuller body than the Wedge Head. This type of Siamese cat will be larger than the Wedge Head as well and will have brilliant blue eyes. Many feel that the Apple Head is more like the Siamese cats of old in that these properties were bred out of the Wedge Head Siamese cats.
The Wedge Head Siamese Cats
The Wedge Head Siamese cat is much thinner than the Apple Head is and has a more tapered or pointed face. This type of Siamese cat is typically what you will see at cat shows and are bred mostly for this purpose. Their eyes have more of slant to them and are the shape of almonds. The ears are much bigger than the Apple Head Siamese cat have.
Pros and Cons to Owning a Siamese Cat
Siamese cats of any type are typically very playful cats. They are highly intelligent and make great pets. They can be taught many of the same “tricks” that you can teach a dog. I have a friend whose Siamese cat will fetch, rollover, sit and lay down to hand commands. They do not require much grooming as they have short coats, which makes them a good pet for those who are allergic to long haired breeds.
You will still need to brush them to keep them looking nice, and not mention that brushing your cat will help build a bond between you. When you get a Siamese cat, you want to play with it as much as possible as they are very social animals and will revel in your time with them. These cats have garnered a reputation for being stand offish, but the opposite is true; Siamese cats are actually quite affectionate and love attention.
While these are very playful cats, they can also be big climbers, if you have areas where you do not want your cat to climb, you may want to keep them out of that room as you may find that your Siamese cat has climbed there just because they can. You may want to get a nice scratching post that has towers on it for them to climb instead.
Siamese cats are very vocal and will chatter with you when they are feeling anything at all. If you are looking for a quiet cat, the Siamese may not fit your needs. You will need to be careful when you purchase a Siamese cat as there are many breeders who are not legitimate and you may end up with a cat that has been inbred to the point that they are no longer fit for pets.
How do I discourage cats from walking on my car?
Every week someone’s cat walks all over the hood of my car which I just cleaned. The cat leaves their paw prints all over the hood of my expensive car. I have nothing against cats but I always have to clean my car a lot since of this. Is there some sort of scented car wash that will discourage the cat from walking on my car? I have a feeling that the cat likes to sit on my car because it’s warm on the hood.
All The Cats Join In
All The Cats Join In (Cartoon) Date: 1946 Music: Benny Goodman & the Pied Pipers – All the Cats Join In made by Disney, August 15, 1946. (Mickey’s Mouse Tracks : Episode 23)