Extend Your Cat’s Life by 10 Years with this Revolutionary Sound Frequency Backed by Science

New scientific breakthrough discovery for cat longevity!
Play this special sound frequency out loud for 20 minutes a day to extend your cat’s life by 10 years!

This special frequency recording will send gentle healing vibrations through your cat’s body, regenerating its cells, and giving it a longer, healthier life!

How this healing frequency will help Your Cat:

  • Longevity. This frequency affects the cat’s cells, causing them to regenerate. It increases blood flow and circulation, protects cells from diseases like cancer, dissolves blood clots, and protects from heart attacks – thereby greatly extending your cat’s life!
  • Cellular regeneration. Helps aging cats live longer, feel younger, and be stronger.
  • Pain relief. (Old age often brings on Rheumatism in pets. Injuries hurt more as a body ages). 
  • Anxiety relief. Calms cats down. This can result in better sleep at night and less bad cat behavior problems in the day.
  • Better sleep! This frequency relaxes cats by sending soothing vibrations through their bodies and minds. Play it before bedtime.
  • Anti-depression. Helps moody, depressed, and lethargic cats feel happier and more energetic.


Backed by science.

Teams of experts, scientists, and researchers at 12 prestigious Universities from around the world conducted in-depth research and experiments on the power of sound frequencies to heal the body – and they all had AMAZING results!

Scientists discovered that when a certain healing sound frequency is played, vibrations pass through the body affecting the cells in a positive way.
Blood clots are dissolved, high blood pressure is decreased, heart attacks and strokes are prevented, cells are protected from diseases such as cancer, and inflammation and pain are greatly reduced (or completely gone!).
The cells, bones, and skin are regenerated and renewed!
Anxiety and stress are released, and the body is reinvigorated.



You can get this amazing Cat Longevity Frequency for FREE!!!

Simply enter your email below and I’ll send you a download link to your email.
(Make sure you enter your email correctly or you won’t receive it!)

Download the
Cat Longevity Frequency!

Extend your cat's life by 10 years.

(Enter your correct email because I'll email you the download link.)

    I'll never share or sell your contact. I'll never spam you. Unsubscribe at any time.


    What you get:

    You’ll get 3 calming music tracks (mp3 files) with the longevity frequency and 1 relaxing nature track of birds chirping with the longevity frequency.

    Simply download it, turn on your speakers, and play it out loud near your cat (for instance, when you’re petting her or brushing her hair).


    Here’s what happy cat moms and dads have to say:

    “OMG! Princess used to wake me up 4 times a night meowing and biting toes. now she SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT!! I can’t thank you enough for this frequency!! it’s changed my life!!” – Beth

    “I played the frequency for a week and my little boy Micky is much calmer now. He no longer has his “fits” where he tears the couch or throws over my plants for no reason. His mood has improved” – Stacey

    “My girl is 8 years old. After playing the frequency to her for 2 weeks she’s changed! She’s now bouncy and energetic like I haven’t seen her in years! She’s playful and climbing up trees. She looks like a young cat again.” – Bert

    “Ginger stopped meowing! she used to sit on the carpet and meow and meow and meow for half an hour for no apparent reason. maybe she had some pains??? i don’t know. anyway now she’s happy and purring!” – Diane


    Donate to help me spread the word to more pawrents!

    Every $50 you donate helps 100 cats live longer, healthier lives.

    If you don’t have money, that’s fine, you can get it for free, and SHARE to help spread the word!


    Breakthrough Scientific Discovery: How to Extend Your Cat’s Life by 10 Years!

    As a cat mom, I know how heartbreaking it is to lose one’s beloved furbaby. They live such short lives!

    My first cat died of pneumonia when I was a child. She died in my arms while I held her and wept.

    My second kitty Amber died at the young age of 5. She was my little girl, part of the family. I loved her dearly. She had such a nice, gentle character. Losing her was like losing a child.

    When my third cat Misty died of heart failure, it shattered me. I cried for months.

    But now there’s Exciting NEWS for all cat moms!!!

    A group of Scientists discovered a breakthrough method to EXTEND CAT LIVES!

    Without any pills, injections, wearables, or costly procedures.
    It’s completely painless, safe, and effective (backed by science!).
    You can do it from home. It only takes 20 minutes a day.

    I am so excited to share this! If only I had known how to extend my darlings’ lives, Misty might still be with me today.

    Let me explain the science of how it works. (If you don’t want the science, skip down the page)

    As you might know, everything is made of energy, sound frequencies, and vibrations.
    You, me, our cells, the Universe, our furbabies. Everything vibrates at a certain rate.

    By using special vibration analysis machines, Scientists are now able to measure the vibrations of cells in humans and animals.
    For instance, our body vibrates at about 5Hz frequency.

    Here comes the exciting part…

    Cat cells vibrate at a specific frequency and rate.
    When they’re young, their cells vibrate at a higher frequency.
    As they age, they vibrate at a lower frequency.

    Scientists discovered that when a special sound frequency is played, it affects the cats’ cells.

    This special sound frequency causes the cat’s old cells to change their vibration to a healthy, strong, youthful vibration!

    By regenerating your cat’s cells in a completely natural way, you are extending its life.

    This is part of a recent scientific breakthrough discovery called harmonic resonant entrainment.


    Teams of experts, scientists, and researchers at 12 prestigious Universities from around the world conducted in-depth research and experiments on the power of sound frequencies to heal the body – and they all had AMAZING results!

    Scientists discovered that when a certain healing sound frequency is played, blood clots are dissolved, high blood pressure is decreased, heart attacks and strokes are prevented, cells are protected from diseases such as cancer, and inflammation and pain are greatly reduced (or completely gone!).
    The cells, bones, and skin are regenerated and renewed!
    Anxiety and stress are released, and the body is reinvigorated.

    By simply listening to a special healing sound frequency for 20 minutes a day, your cat’s cells will regenerate, and your cat will live a healthier, longer life!

    This special frequency I’m about to share could extend your cat’s life by 10 years!


    All the ways this healing frequency will help Your Cat:

    • Longevity. This frequency affects the cat’s cells, causing them to regenerate. It increases blood flow and circulation, protects cells from diseases like cancer, dissolves blood clots, and protects from heart attacks – thereby greatly extending your cat’s life!
    • Cellular regeneration. Helps aging cats live longer, feel younger, and be stronger.
    • Pain relief. (Old age often brings on Rheumatism in pets. Injuries hurt more as a body ages). 
    • Anxiety relief. Calms cats down. This can result in better sleep at night and less bad cat behavior problems in the day.
    • Better sleep! This frequency relaxes cats by sending soothing vibrations through their bodies and minds. Play it before bedtime.
    • Anti-depression. Helps moody, depressed, and lethargic cats feel happier and more energetic.


    You can get this amazing Cat Longevity Frequency for FREE!!!

    Simply enter your email below and I’ll send you a download link to your email.
    (Make sure you enter your email correctly or you won’t receive it!)

    Download the
    Cat Longevity Frequency!

    Extend your cat's life by 10 years.

    (Enter your correct email because I'll email you the download link.)

      I'll never share or sell your contact. I'll never spam you. Unsubscribe at any time.


      The frequency is an mp3 audio file you can play on any device.
      After you download it, simply double-click to play it!

      Play it out loud on a speaker near your cat for 20 minutes a day (for instance, when you’re brushing your cat or petting her).

      It’s free (donations are appreciated).

      I’m making it my mission to spread the word and help as many cats as possible live much longer lives and bring joy to cat pawrents around the world.

      SHARE with any cat owners you know!!!


      What happy cat moms and dads have to say:

      “OMG! Princess used to wake me up 4 times a night meowing and biting toes. now she SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT!! I can’t thank you enough for this frequency!! it’s changed my life!!” – Beth

      “I played the frequency for a week and my little boy Micky is much calmer now. He no longer has his “fits” where he tears the couch or throws over my plants for no reason. His mood has improved” – Stacey

      “My girl is 8 years old. After playing the frequency to her for 2 weeks she’s changed! She’s now bouncy and energetic like I haven’t seen her in years! She’s playful and climbing up trees. She looks like a young cat again.” – Bert

      “Ginger stopped meowing! she used to sit on the carpet and meow and meow and meow for half an hour for no apparent reason. maybe she had some pains??? i don’t know. anyway now she’s happy and purring!” – Diane





      “Resonant entrainment is a phenomenon which is demonstrated by biological systems wherein cells oscillating at a particular frequency, oscillate neighboring cells at the same frequency generating a quantum-based conscious or cognitive ripple effect .” – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9010850/ https://philarchive.org/archive/PERBUO https://marlin.life.utsa.edu/Paper-Summaries/Entries/2019/7/oscillations-and-entrainment.html
      Cellular vibrations, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15215-x
      Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden
      Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP) and Institute for Applied Physics, Technische Universität Dresden
      Evidence that adenosine mediates the depression of spinal dorsal horn neurons induced by peripheral vibration in the cat, Adams et al, McGill University.

      Pain alleviation by vibratory stimulation, and high-frequency vibration regularly induces vasodilatation (decreased blood pressure), Lundeburg et al, Karolinska University of Stockholm.
      Low-amplitude pulses to the circulation through periodic acceleration induces endothelial-dependent vasodilatation, Research Department of the Mt Sinai Medical Center.
      Vibroacoustic Noninvasive Stimulation (VATS) of Human Coronary Endothelial Cells Induced Syndecan-4, VEGF and KLF2 Mechanosensor Control of eNOS, protects from cardiovascular diseases, Parallel Biotech Labs.
      73% experienced reduced pain, improved mood, lower depression and anxiety, research by the University of Toronto.
      Vibration applied to the body increase blood circulation, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
      Music therapy is safe and inexpensive and has been shown to improve the pain and anxiety associated with various diseases, Gabriele D’Annunzio University of Spain.
      The application of rapid and continuous vibrations to the treatment of certain diseases of the nervous system, Journal of Nervous & Mental Diseases.
      Pain alleviation by vibratory stimulation, Karolinska Hospital, Sweden.
      Sound vibration played for 1h/day for 8 days, increased enzymes that protect cells, increased Nitric Oxide production, and reduced ROS overproduction that causes cognitive dysfunction, Study by Department of Molecular Biosciences, University of California Davis.
      After 8 weeks of [sound vibration] treatment, results showed that body weight, liver weight, fat pad weight, glucose level and insulin level were lower in vibration group, study conducted at a WHO collaborating center for Traditional Medicine, University of Illinois at Chicago.
      (pGz) increases eNO in the cardiovascular system in animal models and humans, Columbia University.
      And many many more!





      Interview with Psychic Katie of FurbabyPastLife.com

      Psychic Artist Katie

      Cats have such personalities and attitudes. Have you ever looked at your furbaby and thought he behaves rather like a little boy? Well, maybe he was a little boy in his past life!

      Katie is a Clairvoyant and Psychic Artist who is taking the world by storm with her stunning paintings of the past lives of cats and dogs.

      Katie uses her psychic abilities to connect with cats and dogs and gets visions of who they were in their past lives. Then she paints the visions she sees in her trances.

      Read more

      Instagram Celebrities are Raving about Psychic Katie’s Furbaby Past Life Paintings

      Katie is a Clairvoyant and Psychic who has the unique ability to see past lives.
      Katie connects with the souls of cats and dogs, and then paints who they were in their former lives.

      “I always knew my furbaby was a little girl! She has such a human personality!” One cat owner said when he received her past life painting.

      Cat Past Life Painting by Psychic Artist Katie

      Katie’s paintings make for beautiful wall art.
      She paints dreamy, naive, angelic children. Katie has a beautiful vintage style. She masterfully paints the features and expressions of different characters and personalities. Each of her paintings is as unique as the person it portrays.

      Many people who see her paintings think they are collector’s items and vintage paintings.

      After one of her paintings went viral, Instagram influencers noticed her and started sharing her work and ordering past life paintings for their pets.

      Read more

      5 Dangerous Items Found in All Homes That Are Poisonous to Cats

      Ensure Your Cat Is Safe and Well

      Cats have a curious nature and this very curiosity often leads them towards trouble. Pet cats are known to explore their homes looking for “interesting” things they can play with or consume.

      This is where you need to step in as a responsible cat parent. To ensure your cat remains safe whilst enjoying a relative degree of freedom, you need to keep all the dangerous items out of your pet’s reach. To help you get started, the following are 5 items found in most homes that are poisonous to cats.


      Vets sometimes prescribe certain human medications for cats. However, that doesn’t mean that all human meds are safe for your feline friend. Some can kill in extremely low doses. One of those medications is Acetaminophen (Tylenol). A single 325mg tablet is enough to cause extreme anemia and in certain cases, it can even lead to death. Long story short, you should never experiment giving human medication to your pet unless specifically prescribed by the vet. Even if the medication is safe, you can always mess up the dose and cause your pet to experience severe side effects. If you are treating a minor health issue find OTC medications for cats online or better yet ask a vet.

      Certain Types of Indoor Plants

      Have you ever seen your cat munching on a blade of grass?  Then you already know their affinity to have leafy greens plucked fresh out of the wild. The problem lies in the fact that a lot of indoor plants are actually highly toxic to cats. Here are some examples of plants that can lead to severe toxic reactions.

      • Sago Palm (Extremely Toxic)
      • Spanish Thyme
      • Marijuana Plant
      • Lilies
      • Tulip
      • English Ivy
      • Rhododendrons
      • Yew
      • Pothos Vine
      • Castor Beans
      • Chrysanthemum

      This is by no means an exhaustive list of plants that are toxic to cats. To be sure, always research a plant before bringing it indoors.


      Why would a cat consume a battery? Well, in normal circumstances it probably won’t. However, a cylindrical battery rolling in the ground may get your cat curious. It can easily become a plaything that your cat paws and chases around the house. In the heat of the chase, cats can pick up the rolling battery causing it to leak dangerous toxic chemicals.

      Amongst all of these chemicals, lead is undoubtedly the most dangerous. Lead toxicity in cats can also result from lead-contaminated food and water.

      Ethylene Glycol or Antifreeze

      Even a small teaspoon of antifreeze is enough to kill a healthy adult cat. Cars often drip antifreeze and they have a sweet smell that makes them seem appetizing to dogs and cats. Apart from cars, ethylene glycol is also available in a number of other items such as certain cosmetic products and polishes.

      If consumed, your cat can experience vomiting and in severe cases, it can even lead to kidney failure. Keep all chemical-laden products away from your cat. It’s also important to restrict your cat’s movement so it cannot sneak inside the garage unsupervised.

      Moth Balls

      It’s highly advisable to stop using mothballs if you have pet cats at home. A rogue naphthalene ball can seem enticing to a cat. If consumed it almost always lead to a life-threatening toxic reaction.

      Free 1 Hour Relaxing Birds Songs in Forest for Cats

      Play this free 1 Hour Relaxing bird song recording for your indoor cats to listen to.  Many of our listeners claim this relaxes their cats and perks them up in a good way.

      Some even play this bird song video soundtrack for their budgies and other pet birds to make them happier.

      Relaxing bird songs are really nice to hear while working, studying, meditating and relaxing at home or at work. It may help you fall asleep and send you into a lovely dream world full of nature, relaxing forest walk imagery and happy feelings while asleep if you loop it.


      Stevie Wonder Blind Piano Cat

      The Blind Piano Playing Cat

      Stevie Wonder, is a six year old blind cat that was found in a garden flea-ridden, suffering from worms, with a hernia in his stomach and both of his eyes missing.

      Vets are unsure whether his eyes were surgically removed or he was born without them.
      Stevie was taken home by Beva Street; one of the staff of the Wood Green Animal Shelter in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire.
      At first, Ms Street noticed that he appeared to like listening to the piano being played.
      Then one day he astounded her by pressing the keys and playing the piano himself!

      Beva Street, deputy manager of cat welfare at the shelter, believes the blind wonder cat feels comforted by being able to hear the sound made by its movements and that the sounds connect him to the outside world.
      Now the piano playing kitty spends most of his time enchanted by the gentle piano sounds at his temporary owner’s home.

      Ms Street said: ‘You wouldn’t think Stevie couldn’t see. He is so playful he is like a little kitten.
      Stevie seems to enjoy the sound of the piano and often jumps up on my lap while I play.
      He has ventured onto the seat and the piano himself a few times for a little nose and a rather noisy play.
      Because he has no sight Stevie’s other senses are so heightened – his hearing is amazing.
      He loves to jump, play with fishing rod toys and explore his foster home and garden. He really is a wonder.
      Amazingly in terms of himself Stevie is well, which is why it is so surprising that he does not have eyes.’

      She also said she hoped Stevie would find a stable home soon where the furniture remains in one place so he can create a mental map in his head of the space around him.

      Wood Green, which was founded in 1924, rehomes thousands of dogs, cats, horses, goats, sheep, rabbits, hens, ferrets and other small animals every year.



      Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2184889/Stevie-Wonder-blind-piano-playing-cat-loves-entertain-tinkling-ebony-ivories.html#ixzz22y8ioHm0

      Travelling With Your Cat

      Read this article, submitted by a cat lover, on Travelling With Your Cat:

      Taking your pet with you if you are going on holiday or moving abroad for a while can be a stressful time because there are a lot of things that you need to do. Getting them organised is a lot more complicated than most think. This is especially the case if you are moving to another country. Also, one thing to remember is that sometimes you may not be able to get the food and tastes that you are used to in your native country. This may mean that your pet is now subject to a change of diet and this may cause them to feel uncomfortable and displaced.

      Thus, after you have sorted out your move it is important to consider what type of food you are going to give them. One of the best places to ensure that your cat has the same quality of food that they are used to is to go onto the Internet. You find that a lot of companies are willing to ship worldwide and to most regions. This means that if you move to a new area and the local pet store does not supply your brand then you can still give your cat what he/she is used to.

      Travelling with your cat - IAMS cat foodHowever, if you are looking to change your pet’s diet then here are some popular brands that can be found online that will give your cat the nutrition it needs.

      Firstly, there is cat food by iams; they provide a variety of cat foods and are most popular for their dry range. You will also find that they use whole grain wheat in their products so it is high in fibre and good for you cat’s bowels.

      is another high standard natural cat food that has a range that is suited for animals of different ages. It is very easy to use and it comes in a range of flavours that cats seem to enjoy.

      The difference here is that the pouches are mostly wet and contain a variety of meats and fishes.

      Travelling with your cat - Royal Canin cat foodIf you need to give your pet certain nutrients because they either have a long fur coat or are suffering from a deficiency of some sort, then cat food by Royal Canin is going to be the answer. They have one of the widest ranges of specialist foods available and they will make your pet feel at home wherever you travel to.


      All of the above foods can be bought online so it is easy for you to find. They are also cheaper than in retail stores so you can make a good saving and also feed your cat the nutrients it craves.

      Cat Proofing Your Home

      Here’s an article on cat proofing your home by a cat lover guest writer:

      Cat-Proofing Your Home - how to deal with cat odoursThere is an old stereotype which is that every cat owner’s house is smelly and dirty and of course, like all stereotypes, it is not always the case. It is true that some people are less hygienic than others and some do not know how to care for their feline friends as well as they should, but it does not mean that they cannot learn to do so properly.

      I own three cats and one of the worst things is finding the right cat food to suit all three of them, as two suffer from dietary intolerances and the other has feline urinary tract disease, and finding one that doesn’t stink out the whole house at the same time was too much to ask. I have two different cat foods but all three of them have been fed on Royal Canin Sensitivity in the past. Many cats suffer from allergies, which can lead to diarrhoea and great discomfort for your pet, as well as cause for people to consider the stereotype if you have a litter tray in use!

      The embarrassing stereotype also stretches to those who have misbehaving cats. My cats unfortunately love to scratch the sofas, ignoring their designated scratching posts as if to spite me. Feliway helped me solve this problem. The dispenser is odourless and a non-sedative which helps feline stress and allows them to feel safe and secure in their own environment. As I have three male cats, it also helped immensely with their territorial spraying and fighting which was getting worse by the day – a month or so after I introduced Billy to the other two.

      Finally, there is nothing worse than going to a cat owner’s house with the worry of picking up worms if you know that the owner rarely worms their pets. Drontal for cats is always stocked in my cupboard and I administer one dosage to each cat every three months. It is easy to use and saves any worry for visitors and myself. So long stereotype!

      Talking Cat

      Pl4stoc asked:

      Direction of use : 1/Watch the video (funny, eh?) 2/Browse comments (where the fun really is… ;o) === NB : If you believe the cat is actually in pain, you obviously know nothing about cats. Should this be painfull to the cat, it would try escape or attack. ===

      Pon and Zi
