Why One Should Avoid Hitting Cats

Why Should You Avoid Hitting Your Cats When Training Them?

did you scare your cat to death?
Did you scare your cat to death?

Some people think one should train a cat by hitting it into submission or by other mean ways, but I don’t think that’s a right thing to do.

Look, if you hit your cats, they’ll become scared of you and want to avoid you.
Cats, they are such independent and free spirited creatures. Hitting them infringes on their sense of freedom and safety. So they’ll often react to fight for their freedom of expression and spite you even more.
And grow to fear and hate you.

In addition,  

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How to Stop Scratching Cats Problem

The 7 Effective Methods to Stop Cats from Scratching Up Your Furniture

Cats can sometimes have bad behavior problems, such as scratching up furniture.
In this post we’ll be discussing the 3 popular methods many people use to try and train cats to stop scratching and my 7 humane tips on how to successfully stop cats scratching up your nice furniture.

Stop Cats from Scratching – The 3 Most Common Evil Methods

  1. The harsh-hand methods to stop scratching cats
  2. The shouting method for stopping scratching cats
  3. The nail declawing method to stop cats from scratching furniture

Violence in hand or voice is

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