How much canned cat food should I feed my cats?

Vanessa asked:

I have two cats. One is a year old, the other seems to be two.

I was wondering how much cat food they should get a day. (It is canned cat food)
I understand how the weight thing should work, but until I can find a accurate scale I’ve gotta go by holding-the-cat-and-guessing.
We had dry food, I don’t know if we’ll get it. Besides, I didn’t ask about what wet food causes, I asked about how much they should be getting.

Funny Animals

Wet Cat Food for Kittens and Cats or Dry Cat Food?

Which Cat Food is Healthier for My Kitten?

Feeding Cats Wet Cat Food Vs. Dry Cat Food

Wet cat food for cats or dry cat food?
Wet cat food for cats or dry cat food?

A few days ago, I got a question from one of my readers concerning if one should give a six month old kitten dry cat food or wet

cat food. She asked if she should feed her new six month old kitten  solely on a tin of  wet cat food or a tin of dry cat food?

This is my answer:
Feed your kitten a mixed diet of dry cat food and wet cat food. If a cat only eats

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