funny cats hilarious
Very Funny Cats 49
Yay it is caturday! I can has cheezburger rules!– LOLcats will rule the world and there will be no more violence and war on this planet.Fun and happyness is what they will spread all over the world.Everyday will be a caturday in the future! Funny cats will rule the world! ?????????! ?????????! Lustige Katzen ordnen die Welt an! Les chats drôles ordonneront le monde ! ?? ??????? ????? ?? ??????????? ??? ?????!I gatti divertenti regoleranno il mondo!?????????????!???? ???? ??? ??? ???!Os gatos engraçados governarão o mundo! ??????? ???? ????? ????????? ?????!¡Los gatos divertidos gobernarán el mundo!Grappige katten zullen de wereld veroveren!
Very Funny Cats 33
Yay it is caturday! I can has cheezburger rules!–
Very Funny Cats 45
Yay it is caturday! I can has cheezburger rules!– LOLcats will rule the world and there will be no more violence and war on this planet.Fun and happyness is what they will spread all over the world.Everyday will be a caturday in the future! Funny cats will rule the world! ?????????! ?????????! Lustige Katzen ordnen die Welt an! Les chats drôles ordonneront le monde ! ?? ??????? ????? ?? ??????????? ??? ?????!I gatti divertenti regoleranno il mondo!?????????????!???? ???? ??? ??? ???!Os gatos engraçados governarão o mundo! ??????? ???? ????? ????????? ?????!¡Los gatos divertidos gobernarán el mundo!Grappige katten zullen de wereld veroveren!
FUNNY DOG vs. FUNNY CAT Love or **** each other?
Funny Cats vs. Funny Dogs. Who’s the Tolerant one? Best Dog and Cat Video Footage – “Wait til’ the End for the Cat look” – Chance Buell’s great pets! Comedy. Funny Cat and Crazy Dog.
Scat Cat Litter Odor With Feline Pine Cat Litter
Pet cats are house-trained to use a litter box when they are unable to go outdoors to relieve themselves. The litter box is bedded with a material to catch the cat’s urine and feces. This is called cat litter in short. The cat litter in general use is very much like clay and is called clumping. Cats get used to this very easily and quickly because that’s their natural habit. There is one drawback in the use of litter boxes and traditional clumping – the odor from the litter box is nauseating! Till the owner removes the cat litter, the odor just won’t go away. But help is at hand in the form of pine cat litter. This litter is made up of pine pellets which absorb moisture and trap the cat’s solid waste. The natural odor of pine is very refreshing and it masks that of the cat’s droppings.
The shelf price of this new variety of cat litter is twice that of traditional varieties of cat litter. But the new product proves to be cost effective since it absorbs twice the amount of moisture compared to the ordinary variety. So there is really no increase in your monthly expenditure on this account.
The acceptance of pine cat litter is still an issue, not by the owners but by the cat itself. Cats are reluctant to use the pine cat litter because the ‘feel’ is unnatural. The pellets tend to be a little rough on the cat’s paws. The cat’s acceptance or rejection of pine cat litter will be the sole deciding factor in the success of pine cat litter in the market.
My suggestion is to introduce the pine cat litter in a gradual fashion. Mix a little pine cat litter with the normal stuff. Let the cat use it and get used to the mix. It may take a day or two for the cat to get comfortable with the mix. Then increase the dose of pine litter and reduce the amount of the ordinary litter. Let the cat get used to the increasing amounts of pine cat litter gradually. Finally, you will have a 100% pine cat litter in the litter box, and 100% freedom from that very strong odor! That is if your cat decides to play ball and adjust to pine litter. If your cat resists, and even refuses to visit the litter box, then it’s back to the good old clumping and the bad old smell!
If the odor from the cat’s litter is driving you round the bend, and you’ve made up your mind to use pine cat litter, then do what many other owners are doing. Fill the litter box with pine cat litter, and then put down a surface layer of your cat’s favorite litter. This way, your cat is satisfied and so are you!
Hardly have we worked our way around problem #1, than problem #2 crops up. It appears that pine fragrance is not very popular with cats. Now that’s something that we can’t do anything about. After all you’re using pine cat litter solely for its fragrance, and there’s your cat wrinkling up its nose at the very idea! That apart, pine cat litter is completely safe for your cat. All toxic substances have been removed from the cat litter.
Pine cat litter can be composted and used as garden manure. The solid waste must be removed before composting the litter. So pine cat litter can claim to be environment-aware and environment-friendly.
Whether pine cat litter makes its way into your house on a permanent basis depends entirely on your cat! If your cat converts to pine then you’re home free, to a home free from that awful stench! On the other hand, if your cat gives pine cat litter a paws down, then you’ll just have to grin and bear it!
All About Traveling With Cats
If you are planning to travel with your cat, first ask yourself these questions: Are cats allowed at my destination? If so, will my cat adjust to conforming to regulations concerning pets and really be happy away from home? Cats tend to be creatures of habit and it is important that your cat can adapt to change.
The pets who travel best are those who have been trained to ride in a car. If you would like to include your cat in your travel plans, accustom it to riding in the car. Ideally this training begins in kittenhood and it should be a happy experience for the kitten. Dont make the kittens first car ride a trip to the veterinarian. Begin by allowing the kitten to sit in the car to become familiar with the surroundings. Then take it for a short drive each day, even if it is only around the block.
If your cat seems unable to adjust to travel, you may decide that you and your cat will be happier if it stays home. Search out a responsible sitter or a boarding facility. If you choose to board your cat, make reservations well in advance of the trip, particularly during summer months and around major holidays.
The policy regarding cats varies with motels and hotels. Contact the reservations department in advance of your trip to determine if your cat will be welcome. Do not leave a cat unattended in a room. If a maid were to enter, the cat could become frightened and might run from the room. If, for any reason, you must leave the cat alone in the room for a short period of time, place it in its carrier or post a do not disturb sign on the door. If your cat is not in a carrier or in a secure location at your travel destination, keeping it on a leash is recommended.
When you travel with a cat, a change in its environment and routine may be a jolt to its feeling of security. Your love and understanding are needed to reassure your cat and to help it become a good travel companion.
Preparing for the Trip: If you plan to take your cat with you, be certain its vaccination shots are up-to-date. Your veterinarian will also issue health and rabies certificates which may be needed if you fly and will certainly be needed if you cross international borders. Carrying these certificate with you is a good idea. If you should have to board your cat during the trip, the kennel may require proof of immunization.
Your cat will also need its grooming equipment and its regular grooming schedule should be maintained. This is particularly true for longhaired cats to avoid tangled and matted hair which can lead to skin infections.
Do not feed your cat for at least three hours before leaving on a trip. Feed it shortly after arriving at your destination unless the trip is a long one. In that case, provide a snack and water during the trip. If the cats usual diet is not available at your destination, take a supply with you so no digestive upsets will be caused by a sudden diet change.
If your cat is accustomed to wearing a collar (a stretch collar designed for cats) be certain an identification tag is attached to the collar. The ID tag should give the cats name, your name, home address and telephone number including the area code, and, if possible, your vacation address and telephone number. Take pictures of your cat and write a description of your cat, including its height, weight, color, and any distinguishing marks to take with you. If your cat should become lost, these identification aids could make the difference in finding it.
Traveling By Air With Your Cat: If you are traveling by air with your cat, ask about what health certificates are needed. They vary with airline and your destination. There are usually two basic options for air travel. Some airlines allow cats to travel (generally for a fee) with their owners if a carry-on carrier fits under the passenger seat. The other option is to rent or purchase a flight crate which meets airline regulations and the cat is transported in the crate in the baggage compartment.
Because some airlines have limited space to accommodate pets, always make reservation well in advance.
On the day of the flight bring a cushion or blanket to put on the crate floor. Check to see if the water cup is attached to the crate door. The cup should be deep and not too full of water to avoid spilling. On a short flight, you may wish to detach the cup and store it with your luggage and provide water for drinking at the end of the flight.
To reduce the risk of air travel for your cat, try to avoid peak travel periods when delays and stopovers are longer. Traveling in extreme cold or hot weather could be dangerous if your cat must wait very long before loading and unloading. Plan the trip with as few stops and transfers as possible. Pets in transit tend to sleep the hours away, but during stops and transfers they may become frightened. Airport facilities vary and, as a result, pets may be left in the sun or rain without adequate protection or inadequate food or water during long waits between flights. At the end of your trip, pick up your cat promptly.
Plane travel is the fastest way to reach your destination, but some risk is involved for kittens, older cats or cats with health problems. If you have doubts, consult your veterinarian.
International Travel: If you are planning on international travel or relocation or a trip to Hawaii, keep in mind that certain countries require a quarantine at the owner’s expense. When you return, a quarantine office at customs will check documents and inspect your pet. The official may require confinement of any pet you have purchased abroad. Normally this is in your home rather than in official quarantine. Pets purchased abroad all require proof of immunization, certificates of good health, and payment of import duty.
Traveling By Car With Your Cat: If you are traveling by car, a carrier is a must. It should be strong, well-ventilated and one the cat cannot escape from. Before traveling, place the carrier where the cat can become acquainted with it. Placing a favorite toy or blanket in the carrier may help accustom the cat to the carrier. Take the cat for several rides around town in the carrier before attempting a longer trip.
While you are driving, always keep the cat confined in the carrier. This ensures safe, comfortable driving for you and your cat. Place a soft mat or cushion on the carrier floor. During hot weather never put the carrier on the sunny side of the car where it will become overheated.
One of the greatest dangers to a cat is leaving it in a closed car, even for a few minutes during hot weather. Cars heat quickly and leaving windows open a few inches does not always provide sufficient circulating air to keep you cat cool and comfortable. Insufficient air can lead to heat stress, suffocation and death.
If it is necessary to leave your cat in the car for a short period of time, choose a shaded area. Leave the windows open as far as safely possible to provide air circulation. Keep the cat in the carrier. Check the car frequently and never leave your cat for an extended time. Motion sickness may be a problem with your cat. If this occurs and if taking your cat with you is essential, discuss preventive measures with your veterinarian.
If the drive is eight hours or longer, give the cat an opportunity to use a litter pan every three or four hours. If the cat is inclined to have accidents along the way, put newspapers on the bottom of the carrier and sprinkle cat litter on them. The newspaper and soiled litter can be removed as needed.
The One Simple Step To Saving Your Cat’S Life
Why would you feed your cat ‘natural’ cat food? Why, you ask. Because they are going to be much healthier than if they are fed cat foods that are manufactured using high heat. These foods tend to be high in preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and many other items that are not considered a healthy alternative for your cat.
The owners of cats who take their food seriously will opt for a more natural cat food versus the mass produced type. Since cats are hunters, they are accustomed to eating meat. The meat-by products that are in canned food do not contain the high amount of animal protein that is required by cats.
Amino acids, which are an ingredient in animal protein, are used by cats to grow up healthy and continue to be healthy. One such ingredient is taurine. If a cat’s diet lacks this particular nutrient, they can become blind.
The diet required by cats is not covered in canned and dry cat foods. You may not even realize that the food you are feeding your cat is harming him. Just as you do not realize that some of the products used in cat food are items that cannot be used in human food. Unintentionally our cats are being starved of the foods that they need to be healthy and survive.
By giving your cat the most natural cat food that is available, you may be prolonging his life and the quality of it. Some of the best foods for cats are lean ground meat such as beef. You can mix the beef with a vegetable and brown rice. Whole grains are also good for cats. The home made food can be cooked or it can be served raw. It really depends on your cat’s preferences.
Experts lean towards a raw diet because it is more like the one they would be eating if they were still in the wild. While many people oppose this because they are concerned with the pet getting food poisoning from the raw meat, there has been no instance of this happening. As long as the food is fresh, there should be no worries on this point.
Just feeding your cat vegetables is not a good idea. The cat’s diet has to be as close to the one he would eat in the wild as possible. Protein, which is one of the most important parts of a diet are only found in meats and some vegetables.
Organic cat food should not be confused with natural cat food. The organic is grown using no pesticides. Although now we are learning that farmers are allowed by the FDA to use a limited amounts of pesticides and still call their food ‘organic’.
Natural means the food has the vitamins and minerals still intact that your cat will need to develop and remain healthy. Natural cat food is being used by more and more cat lovers daily. The only problem with natural cat foods is the over-processing that it must undergo. And after so much cooking and boiling, most of the nutrients that are reinserted in the food are of an artificial nature. The next step in this unhealthy cycle is of course to then introduce perservatives to maintain color, taste and balance. It is a vicious cycle indeed and our cats are suffering for it. No responsible cat owner would ever settle for feeding his or her cat dangerous crap for the sake of convenience.
Save your cat’s life!
Is Your Cat Overweight? It’S Not Your Fault
Is food from the pet store better for your cat than homemade cat food? After all the cat food companies are the experts…right? Not to mention the fact that all you have to do is open a can or a bag and dish it out. Well some people might beg to differ with you. They feel that homemade cat food is the better alternative.
In the days when people did not have easy access to the store to buy food for their cats, they fed them from what they had available which was basically, homemade cat food. Did you ever notice those cats were around for a long time? You did not see a different cat every time you went to their house. So maybe there is something to feeding your cat food that is a little healthier than the canned variety.
After all, with all the recalls that have been in the news as of late, for cat food as well as people food, maybe we would all be healthier if we cooked our own food instead of simply opening a can. The truth of the matter is, you can feed your cat either home made cat food or some thing that can be eaten without being cooked and they will eat that far better than the store bought food.
Pet food that is made commercially may not have all the nutritional supplements that cats need in a daily diet. The food is processed using extremely high temperatures and this could cause some loss of vitamins. Another additive is animal fats. When these are added to the commercial cat food to make it more appealing to your pet, you are feeding your cat food that is tantamount to you eating junk food all the time.
Additionally when animal fats and other preservatives are added, they are enough to make your cat become quite overweight, develop diseases, and lose all their energy. No longer do they feel like jumping and chasing imaginary mice. They become lazy and fat. The number one thing to remember about cats is they were born to be hunters and catch their food.
By eating uncooked meat, they were getting the necessary nutrients to keep in good shape.
When modern day cats became house pets, the need to hunt was forsaken. Instead, they spend most of their time inside and when they are fed canned cat food, the result is they become the cat version of the couch potato. Just by experience, many people have figured out that by feeding their cats a healthier more natural diet they are living longer and healthier lives.
If you consider using either meat-by products or real meat, do you think your cat would prefer home made cat food? Sure he would! Which would you prefer? Something that you opened from a can that had artificial flavors, preservatives, animal fats, and meat-by products or would you rather have something that you made.
Cats are the same; and most times, even more finiky than we are. They would rather have homemade cat food.
Change the food that you are serving your cat to preserve his health and prevent an early death.
Getting A Bed For Your Cat
Your pet needs a place in which they can lay down, sleep, and take a nap. A cat bed will also help keep your cat from taking its naps on your bed or couch. This doesn’t mean that you have to spend a fortune or have it monogrammed, but it does mean that you need to look for something comfortable. A good choice is a bed that your cat will be able to snuggle in. You can choose from nesting beds, mats, or perches.
Your choice will depend on your cat’s sleeping habits and what will fit best in your home. Also, don’t be irritated if your cat doesn’t take to its new sleeping domain right away, it might take time or your cat might not adapt to it at all. A good tip is to find a bed that is washable so that any messes are easy to clean. It’s also a good idea to put the bed wherever your cat likes to sleep or in a quiet area.
Scratch a Post or Scratch Your Couch, It’s Up to You
Cats need to stretch and exercise their arms and legs, just like humans do. Unfortunately they choose to do this by scratching things since no one has invented a gym for cats. In order to avoid having them scratch up all of your furniture, it might be a good idea to invest in a cat scratching post, and the sooner the better. A scratching post will help your cat realize that they have their own piece of furniture to claw up and to leave yours alone.
When buying a scratching post for your cat, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that the scratching post is actually tall enough for your cat to be able to get the full effect. This is so they can completely stretch their body out and still have room to spare. Next make sure that it won’t fall over as soon as it has something leaning against it or your cat will be tipping it over all of the time.
If your cat already has a few bad habits such as scratching furniture and such, you might need to train your cat to use the post instead. This might take a little time and patience, but if you make sure your cat is playing with it whenever you are around, they will begin to get the idea, and it also helps if it is in an accessible area to your cat.
Getting Your Cat from One Place to Another
Since you may have realized that trying to transport your cat or anyone else’s for that matter is no easy task, it is smart to invest in a cat carrier. A cat carrier is great for a cat or a kitten. It will enable you to transport your cat from point A to point B with little to no damage or injury. Plus you will not have to worry about your cat plunking around in your car or attaching itself to you with its claws while you are driving.
A cat carrier is the best choice all around and will help your cat feel secure as well. Since there are a variety of different cat carriers to choose from, again it will depend largely on your preference and how much you want to spend. It’s a good idea to make sure that the carrier is big enough to fit your cat and allow them to move around while in it.
Susan Boyle – Memory from Cats – Britains Cats Got Talent 2009 Semi Final Show
Susan Boyle – Memory from Cats – Made Amanda Cry – Piers said brilliant! visit my blog for all the latest news and video stories about Britains Got Talent and watch the show again in full HD. and why not visit for all the latest Jamie Pugh and Britains got talent news stories. Amazing Susan through to Saturdays Live Final show. Would have been good to see her on the Xfactor or Idol. Piers said she inspired the world in a time of …
Funny Cats 6
Downloaded vids, sound effects, music and threw them together. The cat and the cactus is my own voice.
How To Keep Your Cat Entertained
Fortunately you don’t have to spend a fortune on toys for your feline friend. This is largely due to the fact that they will play with whatever it is you have handy. Whether it is a string, a leaf, wrapping paper, or a ball, they will be completely content swatting it, biting it, and tearing it apart. Of course, many of these items that you have lying around your house are not the safest for kittens and cats, nor do you want them thinking that it’s ok to chew on whatever they want, this is why it’s important that they have some of their own toys.
You can choose to go through your house and find toys that will be safe for your cat or to go to the store and purchase a few cat designated toys. Some toys that are safe to give your cat that you find around the house are:
• Small balls that bounce, but they can’t chew apart and aren’t so small that they will get caught in their throat.
• Sewing supplies such as a empty wooden thread spool
• Balled up paper
• Boxes and gift bags filled with tissue paper
Items around the house that you should not give your cat or kitten for health and safety reasons:
• Balls of string, yarn, or spools with thread on them
• Anything with wire in it
• Anything aluminum or cellophane
• Plastic bags
• Rubber bands
• Nothing that is sharp or pointy
• Nothing that can break and hurt your cat
• Nothing that they can chew off and get stuck in their throat
You can find many fun and colorful cat toys at your local supermarket or pet store. The key is to use your judgment before you buy any of them. Carefully look them over and make sure they won’t become hazardous to your cat as he plays with them. It’s smart and cost effective to start out with a few toys so that you can see what your cat chooses to play with and what they do not. Also it’s important to note that some cat toys should only be used when you are there playing with your cat or kitten.
A Collar, Leash, and Harness for Your Cat
A collar is a very important thing if you have a cat who enjoys both the indoors as well as the outdoors. An important thing to keep in mind when buying a collar for your cat is that if they are quite active and curious, you will need to find a collar that can break away. Although a breakaway collar seems kind of strange, it is really in the best interest for your cat and their safety.
If you cat is outdoors or even inside and their collar gets caught on something you do not want them to choke, that is why it’s important to look for a breakaway collar. You should have your kitten or cat begins wearing their collar as soon as possible so that they become accustomed to it.
Also make sure that your cat has some sort of identification on their collar if they get lost or find themselves out of your house. You can also choose to purchase a leash and a harness if you wish to take your cat or kitten out for a walk. If you have the opportunity to train them how to walk with a leash when they are young they will adapt to it much better.
Not all cats like the leash around their neck which is why it might be necessary to purchase a harness which will be more comfortable for the cat and give you more control as well.
What You Will Need to Groom Your Cat
Grooming is a big part of having a cat, especially if you have a long haired cat so you will need to have the proper grooming tools, even if you have a short haired cat. Mainly you will just need to have a flea comb and a brush, but the tools that you will need depend largely on what type of fur your cat has. Grooming is important in order to prevent hairballs and it will also help to cut down on how much cat hair will be on your furniture.
Finding the Perfect Cat Tree for your Cat, not as Easy as you Might Think
Many cats need a good amount of stimulation in order to keep them from becoming board, and we all know what a board cat is capable of! Cat trees provide that type of stimulation.
Most people wonder what to look for in a cat tree. As a cat tree manufacturer and a cat breeder, I would like to point out what is important to me.
Safety first:
All cat breeders know what mischief our cats are capable of. If there’s danger in your house, your cats are going to find it. Not only is the cat tree manufacturer responsible for making a well built, safe cat tree but the cat owner is responsible for using good judgement in the selection and use of it..
First, make sure the design of the cat tree does not compromise safety. Only purchase stable, well built cat trees. Beware of cat trees that are cheaply made and can collapse under the weight of your cats. You also want to purchase a cat tree that will not tip over when your cat , who has invisible wings it seems, takes a flying leap and lands on top or on the side of the tree. You have to take into account that smaller, lighter cat trees will not be as stable when used by a big, heavy cat, but even if you buy a small cat tree there are ways to test for stability. You can test your cat tree before purchase by taking it through the tip test. Tip the cat tree a bit and see if it falls over or if it rights itself (be careful if it’s a large tree, you don’t want a large tree falling on you and the store might not appreciate you knocking over all of the large trees in the place). Rock it a bit to see if it stays upright. It’s ok if the tree sways some with the movement of the cat, that’s normal, but it is not OK if the cat tree tips over easily.
If you purchase your tree from an internet website you won’t be able to put it through the tip test, but you can always ask for customer testimonials to see how other customers feel about the stability of the products you intend to buy. Be sure that there is a return policy in case the tree does not meet stability requirements, however, also be sure to read and agree to the store’s return policy before you make the purchase. Many stores will not let you return a used product so be sure to take the tip test before you let your cats use the tree.
Your cat tree should be sturdy enough to surface clean and sanitize. There are a large number of cats trees on the market that are made with cardboard tubing as the core of the structure. I don’t recommend cat trees made with cardboard because cardboard may not hold up well, especially if you surface clean your cat tree regularly with anything moist. If you have a cat tree with cardboard tubing as the main supportive structure, be sure to inspect it regularly for any weakness.
Many cat trees use toxic chemicals, dyes, and glues in the manufacturing process. It is not a good idea to use a cat tree with any of these items, particularly for cats that tend to bite at the carpeting and materials used on cat trees.
Be sure to buy a tree suitable for it’s purpose. Don’t buy a carpeted cat tree for outside unless it will be in an area protected from rain and moisture. If you keep a carpet and wood cat tree outside, even under a covered patio, moisture may still cause mold to develop on or inside of your cat tree.
For outside cat furniture, make sure that the cat house is suitable for cats. Most outdoor houses on the market are designed for dogs and not for cats, so do your homework when looking for those type of items.
Now for owner responsibility in the use and placement of the cat tree. As the owner it is important that you use good judgement when finding a suitable spot for your cat tree. Don’t put your cat tree in any area that cats might get hurt jumping down from the tree or if they should fall from the tree, particularly if the tree is very tall. One time someone reported that they placed a tall cat tree at the top of 3 flights of stairs. The stairs were open all the way to the basement. For unknown reasons the cat fell from the top of the tree and fell down three flights of stairs, landing on the basement steps. I’m happy to report that there were no serious injuries, but this was a lesson learned for that poor cat owner who chose the wrong spot for her cat tree!
My own cats spy their 6 foot cat tree from the 10 foot balcony in my house wanting to jump all the way over to the cat tree. My husband thought about putting the cat tree under the balcony so they could get onto the top of the cat tree from there. I thought it was not a wise idea because I did not want to encourage my cats to play balancing acts on the balcony rail, and if we ever moved the cat tree they might still think that they can play on the balcony. Instead, I keep the cat tree on the other side of the room and reprimand my cats when they get on the balcony. I plan on putting patio netting over the front of the balcony to keep them off.
There are other hidden dangers that the cat owner needs to beware of. Some cat trees are very large and heavy. You want to be sure that you keep large dogs and children away from and off off your cat trees. Large dogs might be able to tip over the cat tree and children like to climb on them and they might fall from the tree or knock them down on top of themselves. Make it clear to your human children and your non feline furry children that it is NOT OK to play on or around the cat tree.
Dangling toys can also be a huge hazzard for playful cats. I heard a report about an accident from a person tying a long, thin bungee type of toy to a cat tree. When the owner was out of the room the cat hung herself on the bungee cord. The owner came back into the room just in time to save the cat! If you want to put a danging toy on your cat tree, make sure it is not long enough for the cat to wrap around it’s neck.. Bungee type of toys can be particularly dangerous because they stretch.
You want to be cautious about any toy that is hanging from anywhere, be it doorknob or cat tree.
Finally, don’t do anything stupid like put a tv set on top of the cat tree trunk. It sounds really off the wall but I have heard of really strange uses for cat trees.
Make sure the cat tree you intend to purchase is accessible to your cats. There are all kinds of situations that call for a really accessible cat tree. Your cats may be old, overweight, declawed, or have health issues. If you have large cats, will your cat tree be large enough to accommodate them? Will they fit into the cubby holes or house(if the cat tree has holes or houses)?
The cats also need to be able to get up and down the tree easily or they probably wont use it.
A good idea is to get a cat tree that you can purchase additional parts in case your tree needs to be more accessible. If the cat tree looks like a cat tree, can your purchase extra branch steps? If it looks like a regular, multi level structure, can your purchase more steps? It’s also a good idea to purchase some sort of ladder for cats who are declawed (I am not a supporter of declawing but should you end up with a declawed cat you need to be able to accommodate it too). Your cat trees are no good unless your cats like them and will use them, so be sure your cat tree is designed with your cat in mind. We’ve had take a second look and to improve the accessability of our cat trees over the years.
Durability is not only an issue of getting your moneys worth but also of safety. Most mass manufactured cat trees on the market today are made with the cheapest materials possible. As stated previously, many use cardboard tubing as the main support structure. Cardboard is not very durable, especially if you clean your cat tree. All plywood has some amount of chemicals in it, however, press board and chipboard has a large amount of undesirable chemicals in it and is not as durable as plywood or solid wood.
Fabric is not as durable as carpeting, which is thicker and can stand up to cats scratching better. Of course, no carpeting is going to last forever, but you will get more bang for your buck if your cat tree is carpet covered rather then fabric covered.
Appeal is more important then most people think. Not only should the tree appeal to your cats but it should appeal to you and your visitors. The cat tree should be designed in a way that is attractive to your cats. If a cat tree is designed with cats in mind, usually cats will take to it instantly. Many cats are territorial, so if you have a large number of cats or territorial, cats it is recommended that you buy a large cat tree with multiple, separate spaces for each cat to claim as it’s own.
There are certain materials that most cats are attracted to. Cats like warmth and softness when sleeping and they like things they can really dig their claws into when playing. Having a cat tree that provides spaces where you can put soft, warm cat beds is always a plus, as is having a cat tree that can withstand rough play.
Next we want a cat tree that will appeal to our design and style. It does no good to spend $2000.00 on a new leather sofa and thousands on decor if you’re going to have a big, ugly, rickety cat tree sitting in the middle of your livingroom! The idea is not to detract from your decor, but to add to it. There’s no reason you should compromise your style because you have cats to please (although your cats would tell you different). If that is the case, you might as well pick up the 70’s checkerboard sofa sitting on your street corner and throw that into the living room for your cats to use as a scratching post. Of course, different people have different styles, likes and dislikes, so my idea of attractive might not be yours, but im sure you get the drift.
Finally, we come to PRICE::
It’s not true that 100% of the time if you spend less you’ll get less and if you spend more you get more, but generally speaking, you get what you pay for.
I’ll let you in on a not so secret, secret. I’m a penny pincher. I drive my family crazy. Let me tell you a story about my uh – hmmm…”penny pinching abilities”. When I was in school my father would take us to a restaurant every morning to eat breakfast before school. I’d buy the heaviest meal, and eat well every morning because I knew he’d give me $2.00 for lunch everyday. I never used the $2.00 to buy lunch. Instead, I would starve myself all day to be able to save the $2.00.I would go home famished but never broke. I saved so much money that way that when my other family members needed to borrow money they knew I always had some to lend them. Sure, I lent them the money, but I always charged interest! So what’s the moral of my story? If you can save a buck or two, please do. That being said, I never, ever, will compromise quality to save money. I feel that if you’re compromising quality to save money, then you really haven’t saved anything, in fact, you’ve lost money because it will be just that much faster that you’ll have to replace the item. I also, never buy anything im not 100% happy with buying. I won’t settle for second best because to me, second best is money not well spent. I don’t mind getting used items, but I have to be sure that those are of good quality as well. When it comes to cat trees, it’s not a good idea to get a used cat tree unless you know the person who your getting the cat tree from and know that the cats who used the tree are disease free. There are a terrible amount of diseases and parasites that can hide in cat trees.
If you’re anything like me, and I suspect that you are since I’ve done business with probably thousands of cat breeders and pet owners, you spend inordinate amounts of your cats but nothing on yourself. I’ll wear the same pair of tennis shoes until they fall apart (husband has to sneak into the closet and get them and throw them away because he knows I will wear them till I’m waking on insole liners held together with shoelaces), but when it comes to my cats, I have to have the latest, greatest and cutest. So, if you’re like me, I feel bad for you, but at least now you know how to find a perfect cat tree for your beloved furbabies.