Help Aladdin Win the Cover Cat Photography Contest

We found Aladdin in a shelter and he was 4 months at the time, the biggest and most beautiful kitten there.He chose us by rubbing against our legs and purring…We instantly loved him. He is a gentle and peaceful cat who plays little and sleeps a lot. He doesn’t like to be picked up but will sit on you often at his choice. He loves to eat fresh steak and canned tuna, he is very spoilt and loved.
He tolerates his doggie brother Gypsy, a Bichon Frise.
He is an indoor kitty mostly and is sensative to peoples emotions and proves to be very calming when he sits on your lap.
He was named Aladdin…he doesn’t have a magical lamp so we have to rub his tummy instead!
Help Aladdin win this cat photo contest!
How to vote? Star rate Aladdin, like and share, write a comment below!
Aladdin could be the long-lost twin of our own “Sheriff” Hoju, right down to the imperious attitude in his eyes. Where does Aladdin live with his human staff? We rescued our Hoju from the streets around the neighborhood of the NoHo park, where there was a whole family of stray cats who looked just like this! We were never able to catch Hoju’s twin siblings, so maybe Aladdin is somehow descended from this noble line of long-haired tuxedo royalty! :)
@Karen Simmons: Hi Karen…Aladdin is from Victoria Australia, we got him from Animal Protection Society in Noble Park, almost 9 years ago..his birthday is next Month. You cat must be lovely too!! thanks for votingXX
@Karen Simmons: Hopes u win Aladdin, u are a handsome puss xxx
Aladdin you very handsome in this picture !!
I vote for Aladdin. He is a doll.
I vote for Aladdin *****
@Ginger Meghalaya:
Aladdin is super hansumz in dis piccie and always! He is my best fwend and bwuvva and I sure hope he winz!
I voted for Aladdin. He is so handsome and sweet. xoxoxo Icy and Joyce
I have loved Aladdin Boo since the day we found him! I am honoured he is in the running to be on the cover of your book – such a proud little Mummy!
Good luck Aladdin :-)
Go Aladdin! Rescue cats are the greatest!!!
I vote for Aladdin!!! wishing I lived closer so I could rub that magic tummy of his!! Shannon (and Winky)
good luck man..x
We loooooves Aladdin!!!!!!!!!
I loves yous mai bestie Aladdin! You is by far da handsumest of all mai friends!!! *waves* Hai Miss Di!!! Hai Gypsy! Sumptimes I thinks if I thinks really sooper hard and stand on mai tippie toesies dat I can sees your house frum here!
Quite the comfy pose and belly fur crying out for a lovely tummy rub (I hope).
Of course, the handsome Aladdin has my vote. He is beautiful, inside and out!
You are one handsome dude! Be well. Purrs from The Clowder and soft woofs from The Pack of One
The best looking b&w cat by far!! <3 Aladdin <3
We love Aladdin! You got this!!
I VOTES TOO!!! he iz de cutest!!!
Gilbert, mom, and I think Aladdin is so, so handsome!
Aladdin is the best black and white kitty ever! He is super handsome and I love him very much. He lives in Australia and I live in Chicago but I feel as if he is right here with me, such nice fluffy fur, he has to win the contest. He is number 1!
Good Luck Aladdin!! You are a beautiful cat!!!
Aladdin Boo is an inspiration on facebook. He is always there supporting the causes of others and inspiring and encouraging others to keep going. Aladdin and his family are always finding ways to make others happy. Check out his very own facebook page!
Just voted for Aladdin….FIVE stars for that beautiful boy!
Another vote for Aladdin! Best of luck, darlin’! <3
Oooh, curly tummy fur!
Aladdin issa Wunderful and lovvin ,Both INSIDE and OUT ….””Sigh “”‘ …..Such a GREAT Guy oxoxo <3
Voted fur Aladdin ……. He ssa Wondiful and gentle and kind to everybuddy i
I vote for Aladdin. He’s gorgeous.
I vote for Aladdin! I vote for Aladdin I dont think my rating or comment went through properly last time! I vote for Aladdin!
Aladdin is a very, very handsome black and white boy!
I vie for Aladdin
Aladdin is a vet handsome black and white cat. So soft and fluffy, would love to rub his tummy!!
I vote for Aladdin.
Love that tummy!
Purrty, purrty purrty……..just want to tickle and hug!! Good luck!!
Gorgeous, gorgeous boy…both inside and out. You will always have my vote!
Aladdin is a positively gorgeous cat, who is completely lovable and, as his Mum says, offers calm and comfort to those who know him. Aladdin gets my top vote!
I votes for you =^-^=
You’ve got my vote Aladdin.
Aladdin is SUCH a handsome dude…purrlease VOTE for him wif 5 stars & share wif all your FB & Twitter furriends so they can does da same! Paws up for Aladdin! WOOT WOOT!
I iz voting for Aladdin cos he be mah bruh bruh! And he looks like mah brofur Charlie. :-D
Aladdin’s a great guy and a good friend. I wish him all the luck in the world!
I know and love Aladdin and he is a most beautiful cat and I just got him a lamp last night so it is funny to hear he doesn’t have one! I voted for him because he is so super beautiful! and he is my brofur too of which I am very happy and proud to say because it is such an honor! and he is a healer and people whisperer too since he calms them so well! Aladdin is good for our health! yay! Love, LMB <3
good luck Aladdin!…Yow! xx
Aladdin, you are so precious!!!! I’m so glad we are friends!!!! Love you buddy!!!
Dear Aladdin,
You are a very beautiful boy and I hope you win :-)
Best of luck, Aladdin! xo
Thankyou to everyone who is voting for Aladdin! We are so proud of him and happy that so many people love him tooXXX
~ Aladdin is such a *Special* Kitty & we *love* him very much! <3 He is *Beautiful* inside & out … Bless his heart! <3 Big *Hugs & Kisses* from Auntie Lisa, Sweetie & Alissa! Mwahhh! xOx
voted on u =^^=
Love you Aladdin! You are so handsome and wonderful – hoping you win xxx
Adorable little fuzzball :)
I hopes you wins you is cutes :)
Aladdin is NOT ONLY beautiful, but a wonderful, faithful, friend, loving, caring, and kind!! He is MOST beautiful, INSIDE and OUT!! A fantastic enrichment to ALL our lives. WE LOVES HIM!! Delecia & Jazzmine FB
Good luck Aladdin!! xxxooo
We hope you win Aladdin! So cute!
~ We *love* you very much, Aladdin! Big *Hugs & Purrs* from Auntie Lisa, Sweetie & Alissa! Mwahhh! xOx
I voted for Aladdin – definitely a 5 star cat:)
I vote for Aladdin, one gorgeous cat!
Go Aladdin go
Aladdin is my facebook cousin and he is the best lookin’ black and white cat, love you Aladdin!!
Such a handsome kitty!
I love my beautiful Aladdin, please vote!!
Aladdin is the most beautiful fluffy black and white puss I have ever seen. Voted.
Hope you win Aladdin. Good Luck Uncle Aladdin!
Vote vote vote. Sweet aladdin love you lots
Aladdin is goregous and we love him soooo much.
Go Aladdin. I hope you win xxx :)
I think Aladdin is absolutely adorable and I love him.
Love ya Pal…lots of Luck to you!! You deserve it!!
Aladdin, you are one gorgeous kitty, but your belly is even more gorgeous!
votin fur Djenghis
Good luck Aladdin. I hope you win!!
Hi Aladdin, I voted for you my handsome friend. I rubbed your tummy and made a wish that all shelter kitties find a loving forever home, just like you did. Love you. Auntie Sheila and the fur kids. xxxx
Hansumz Laddie Boo… hoo cud ever rezist dat furry tummy?! xoxo
I voted for Aladdin.
Aladdin is such a handsome boy.
Aladdin Boo is so so beautiful! and the most adorable tuxie in the world.
I love you Aladdin, you always get my vote gorgeous boy xx
We’re all rooting for Aladdin. Love you. xxxx
Yey Aladdin!!!!!! Xxxxxxx
Aladdin is a very precious and handsome boy! We love him dearly! I wish him the very best in this contest!
Aladdin is just beautiful. Good luck in the contest:)
Aladdin is sooooo bootifuls…and a wonderfuls friend <3
Aladdin would have to be one of the most lovely cats with a kind heart with a sweet looking smile , one of my dearest cat friends I so lucky to have him as my friend :O) ? VOTED no one ?
Aladdin would have to be one of the most lovely cats with a kind heart with a sweet looking smile , one of my dearest cat friends I so lucky to have him as my friend :O) ? VOTED no one ?
Aladdin would have to be one of the most lovely cats with a kind heart with a sweet looking smile , one of my dearest cat friends I so lucky to have him as my friend :O) ? VOTED no one ?
Aladdin would have to be one of the most lovely cats with a kind heart with a sweet looking smile , one of my dearest cat friends I so lucky to have him as my friend :O) ? VOTED no one ?
I love Aladdin. He is just the very very best.
Good luck aladdin. I hope you win :) xx
Good luck Aladdin, hope you win
Hopes u win Aladdin, u are a handsome boy xxx
Aladdin, very handsome and what a character, loved reading his story.
Another vote for Aladdin, a super handsome kitty and my Icy’s buddy. Joyce and Icy
Good luck, Aladdin!!! You’ve had gd luck finding your forever home so hope it continues w/ this contest
I vote for Aladdin cuz that’s what ALL the cool dogs do! woo woo woo!!!
Good luck, Aladdin …. :-)) !!! …Luff you <3
Go Aladdin. Good Luck Bruvva xoxox
I LOVE Aladdin! You go sweetheart! : ) auntie shirley
Twinnnnyyyyy..I voted for your Lovely Aladdin…I hope he wins..he looks Delicious….x
Twinnnnyyyyy..I voted for your Lovely Aladdin…I hope he wins..he looks Delicious….Love Scarlet….x
Aladdin comes from the most loving home inturn it is reflected in his gorgeous personality, he is charming, a little scamp, and a delight.. Aladdin, we love you. VOTE..
Aladdin you iz da best I lubs dis piccy xxx
Aladdin is beautiful and deserves to win!!! You go, dude!!! We love you. <3
i voted for Aladdin because I rubbed his tummy and wished for rain and it’s pouring now so he is a very lucky black and white cat lol luv Buffy XX
I voted for Aladdin because I rubbed his tummy and wished for rain and it’s pouring now so he is a very lucky and handsome black and white cat lol luv Buffy XX
I love Aladdin. Joyce and Icy
Aladdin is gorgeous, a real beauty ! Good luck sweet boy !!
we love Aladdin!!
Dat a 5 star picture Aladdin. *rubs Aladdins belly and blows rasberry on it* Giggles
Voting for Aladdin!
Go Aladdin, win, win, win handsome boy!
@Cesar Dennis: I aksidentlee did a fummz down *cussing @fone* it won’t let me take it bakk
@Remington Stanton: you gotta do thumbs up then and it will undo it I think.
adorable! ?
A l a d d I n ^~^
Go Aladdin!
What a handsome fluffy boy! I voted!
I’s in dis contest too but Aladdin my so handsomes furriend and I loveses him!
Hey Aladdin, you’re the best xxx
I voted for Aladdin cos he’s da hansomest kittie in da hole werld.
Oh Aladdin – hasn’t you won yet??
GOOD LUCK Aladdin…Dozy, Tess, Felix & Jinxy are a rootin & a tootin for ya :)
Aww Handsome<3
I would definitely rub Aladdin’s tummy!
****** how do I ‘star rate’? Fummz up n all dat?
Hi Aladdin, I rubbed your tummy and made a wish.
Voting 5 stars for the ridiculously handsome Aladdin! Rescue cats rule & no one is more deserving than sweet, gorgeous Aladdin. Ladies, I can feel the swooning!
Aladdin is the best xxx
Good luck!
i would love to vote for aladin can somebody tell me how
Good luck Aladdin!!
Good Luck Aladdin. I hopes you win xxx
awaddin, i loves you! of coure i would vote for you if you ran for pressident! xoxoxoxo
I love Aladdin!
Adorable Awaddin! luvz n hugz! xxxxxxxx
Everyone loves Aladdin. He is a wonderful friend and deserves to win! :)
Aladdin is my Aussie friend. Headbonks.
Aladdin is so cute & fluffy, I love him! good luck Aladdin!
Love my Aladdin!
I voted for Aladdin, because I love him, and so do lots of his friends in England. He’s the tops. xxxx
Aladdin is definitely a cool cat, I would rub his tummy!
Go Aladdin
Good Luck, pretty kitty!
Sweet, handsome Aladdin, you get my vote every time xx
What a handsome hunk o’ cat Aladdin is!!! Of course, he haz mai VOTE!!! =^..^=
So beautiful and fluffy!!!
VOTE 4 ALADDIN!!! Still dah handsomest kitteh!!!! <3<3<3 =)
done gl
Alladin is both handsome and charming. What a cute belly!! Who could resist??
Aladdin is one of my most favorite cats in the world. he is my cat nephew……Really! His personality and looks could make him a movie star! His mom would be so happy if he won. me too! Go Aladdin! : )
Hope you win. You deserve it.
I really hope you win. You are beautiful Aladdin:)
The Clowder says “WIN”
Hope you win!