One of my cats ran away for two days, what precautions should I take?

Ashley Z asked:

I have two cats. One is a male, 2 1/2 years old and neutered. The other is a 1 year old female that is not spayed. The one year old got out the other day and was gone until late tonight. When she left, she was in heat. She does not have any cuts or wounds, nor does she have fleas or ticks. However, I have kept her away from our other cat for fear of transmitted diseases. I am planning on taking her to the vet tomorrow morning, but how long will it take for any tests to come back for things like FIV and FeLV? I am sure my two cats want to see each other again. Am I being too paranoid? Does anyone know how expensive it is to get a cat tested for various things?
I am not worried that she is pregnant, I can deal with that.

Cat Flushing a toilet