Proof that Cats Can Also have TRUE Love!
It all started this way….
I came onto facebook with my paws first and left a long trail of posts, pictures and happy thoughts behind me. I met nice new cat friends, socialized with other cats and match-maked some of my best girl friends to other male cats I knew. I had fun! NO, what am i saying? LOTS of Fun! Tons of it!
I saw my best friend Aladdin married to another pretty white girl cat Snow and spend hours chatting back and forth and going to catting-out-parties.
I made a group and got almost 2000 members in a short while.
Everything was going fine! I was happy…but….there was SOMETHING which I was missing. What was it? I wondered about it for a while and watched how yet another happy catcouple was going to get married. Just then it hit me!
I had been for almost 2 Years on facebook and had NEVER, I say it again, NEVER had a date in my entire LIFE!!
How very sad.
Then one day, without ever suspecting it to happen, I was suddenly invited out on a date by a cute looking, good natured cat named Fonzie Cat!

And well, it didn’t take too long for us two to fall in love! Actually it happened that same day!
Ever since then, we’ve been happy and loving eachother madly, running off to some lonely nature spots and having fun climbing trees together, cuddlying on benches and purring in unisome!
And Lately, We’ve been starting to write eachother Love poems.
This is the first one I wrote Fonzie:

And this is the one Fonzie wrote back to me! Isn’t it sweeeeet?
What would you write him back if you were me?
I wrote him this:
~ My Fonzie Dear ~
When i see your little wet nose,
I feel a tingling sensation from down in my toes
and feel like kissing you from head to toe,
but even that my enormous love won’t be able show!
When I look into your eyes,
through my heart a love bird flies,
and it chirps about your kind deeds,
and plants many more life long love seeds!
Forever mine,
forever with me,
Forever I’ll love,
Forever with you I’ll be!
My Love For Fonzie I can’t express,
and even he it can only guess,
for so large is it,
that only a bit,
can i show,
everyday that with him I go!