How Would YOU Like it if you Woke up With a Tattoo on Your Chest?
Horrified Animal Rights Campaigners, slammed down a new starting trend of tattooing poor innocent cats, in Russia Moscow.
The first tattooed cat, is called Mickey, a pure bread and pedigreed Spinx cat, who after 3 hours of being under anesthesia, he finally emerged with a brand new, colorful tattoo of Tutanakhamun on his chest!

Oksana Popova, Mickey’s owner, said that she wanted something new and different for the times she lived in.
However, animal rights organizations, think it animal cruelty and hope that it won’t spread to the USA or Europe.
The RSPCA pointed out that they are totally against using animals for purely cosmetic reasons just on the owner’s whim. Since, clearly the animal has no say in the matter of tattooing it.
RSPCA doesn’t believe in using pets as fashion accessories. It shows no respect for the animal whatsoever.
So far, they have only heard about this tattooing practice happening overseas – and hope it doesn’t spread to other countries.
(RSPCA = Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in England)
What I think:
“I totally agree with the RSPCA, this tattoo is cruel animal abuse and should be stoped IMEDIATELY!! Anyone torturing their cats in this way should go to jail! Cats most certainly DON”T enjoy having wierd colored tattoos on them, like some people might. What kind of a SICK AND DEMENTED PERSON would do this to their cats??? Poor cat…
What do you think about it?
Tell everyone what you think about Tatooing poor inocent cats!
i did… dont get it… they doesn’t feel it… i think its much more cruel to keep normal cats indoor!
they don’t feel the application of the ink… but the healing process can be annoying as hell to a human.. and we know what’s going on.. *shrug*
thats so frickin cool, i would totally get a hairless cat now a tattoo it :p
oh light up save the animals person (ur the doosh) xD @,,;;:
This is ridiculous! People shouldn’t do this to their pets! If you like tattoos, get one yourself!!
i have to admit it does look really cool and the cat wouldnt feel it while hes getting it done but it will be in a lot of pain till it heals
like i said it looks amazing but i dont think i could see my loves in pain like that
I would put a mouse on my cat’s chest just to drive him nuts.
Oh, and people are also slaughtering each other all over the world too. there’s also that. Unconscious cats getting tattoos? Kinda at the bottom of my ethics to-do list.
That’s horrible! I’m thinking it would hurt, badly! Who would do that? It could get the cat sick…
Absolutely discusting! – I hate it when people think that they can do whatever they please with their pets just so they can look cool. or say “Hey my cat’s a hard nut he’s covered in tats” – I think the person who did this should get put to sleep and have his whole body covered in tattoes.. maybe covered with the word “I abuse animals” or “I’m a twat”
I think it’s hilarious that some of the replies are all for this. What are you people? 5 year olds? Grow up, live in this world- this day and age- and quit picking on the helpless.
Shall I kidnap the person who did this to her cat, put her under anesthecia and tattoo her whole chest with something stupid, ugly and out of the ordinary!?
I think that’s the only way for her to understand what she did to her poor sweet sfinx.
Don’t you think?
Btw, sfinxes have a very sensetive skin. I hope this tatoo won’t create tumors or something else..
I love cats. My wife and I have six of them, all strays that we have taken in. Cats have more DIGNITY than most people ever will have. I don’t even like tatoos on people; I can’t imagine tattooing one of my pets. But then, I can’t stand to watch the crap that’s on tv either, so what do I know.
As an aside, the thing about this post that saddens me the most is the abysmal spelling and grammar. Did any of you people go to school? You should learn how to communicate before you attempt it.
@Lester: *Tattoos* sorry pal had to do it, but I do agree with your post!
Umm, Mr. Lester, I really hate when people think they sound so educated, when in fact it comes off so pompus. But when you spell-check someone, make sure you’ve spell-check yourself. You misspelled tattoo and you’ve failed to place a question mark instead of a period after you said “so what do I know”. Sorry just a little pet peeve of mine. I totally agree with your stance on the issue of tattooing helpless cats.
Maybe you shouldn’t beposting this article, like you said there is only evidence of this 1 animal now you are giving people ideas! :(
Oh goodness, how could you do anything like that to you cat??? Poor kitty, how unlucky he is to have such an egoist as his owner! How the hell do those people’s brains work?? Why on Earth did he suppose his cat would want a tattoo??
I have a cat myself, I know how sensitive these creatures are when it comes to their appearance. Poor Mickey is probably so unhappy with it now! Not to mention the risk of subjecting the cat to anaesthesia! When you do it to make an operation to cure your ill cat, it is one thing, but like that?? Just for nothing??
If I worked in a tattoo salon and that egoistic brat came to me, I would probably slam something heavy onto his face and take his cat away to give it to a loving owner.
Edit: I just read the owner is a woman, then I’d slam something heavy onto her face and also pull her hair out while she was unconscious, I bet she wouldn’t like that. And this is happening just around the corner, right in my city! Goodness, what a shame.
i would rather have a tattoo on my chest than my balls chopped off. if they are the two options available to cats when waking from a dose of anaesthetic, i am fairly certain of the preferance. i have four cats, all of which have no balls. in the interests of humane treatment, i think i might give them all tattoos of balls on thier chests to make up for it.
Its (NOT) ok to put a cat through anaesthetic and get a tattoo because of the pain after (CRUELTY). But its ok to put a cat on anaesthetic to get its/hers chopped/neuted, im sorry but i think it would be more painfull for the cat getting neuted than getting a tattoo??,
This sure is quite ridiculous. But, as it unfortunately is too often, lot of your comments are even lot more ridiculous. PLEASE !!! Stop filling our cats mind with human considerations.
“Cats most certainly DON”T enjoy having wierd colored tattoos on them” : well what do you know about it ? All I can tell about this is that the one who writed this certainly dislikes tattoos on human too, so thinks that as he/she is so clever minded that all cats certainly think the same way. Well look closer at this cat : every sphynx/rex owner ( I own a rex cornish ) will see that he looks like he’s quite relaxed, he lets the man grabs he’s skin back, and it looks like it’s just after the tattoo had beed done and no blood is sweating at all, in fact I think cats, especially those ones, have very flexible skin, so tattoo should certainly heal very well. ( With humans the lighter the skin the less pain when tattoing, I may be wrong about cats but I don’t think – looking at the tattoo, it looks like already cured ). And please, no, he won’t get a tumor of it… learn a little about tattoo before saying *@!?!!§% like that. Cats and dogs did get identification tattoos for decades, and please, in their ears ! Can you imagine how painful it can be to get tattooed in the ear ?
In fact, this cat looks a little fatty to fit very well to the sphinx standards, wich shows that his owners care about his wellness. ( I may be wrong on that point ).
Moreover : knowing my rex cat, I’m sure of one thing : if he had a tattoo, everyone would look at him and he would be oh so proud of it, this cat ( and I’ve seen other rex cats behaving the same ) really thinks he’s a rockstar, and the more people treat him like he is one the more he is happy. That’s his way of “word feline domination”. Of course, he would’n really be aware of the tattoo but he would like the effect.
Now, don’t mis-read me : I would NEVER tattoo my cat, and I’m strongly against it. I actually think it IS forbidden by the law in most countries, wich is good. The first reason would be that I would never put my can on anesthetics for a such unneeded matter. In that way, ok, it is cruelty. I thinnk things like that are not likely to happen outside russia or USA. You can test : go to your local tattoo shop and ask to get your cat tattoed, and prepare to get kicked out really bad. Tattooing is a job wich focuses on conciousness and ethics, and those who do not quickly get really big problems ( maybe not in Russia ? I don”t know – but anywhere else for sure ).
I’m a supporter of animal rights, but also of tattooing. “I don’t even like tatoos on people” : If you dislike tattoos that’s ok but don’t use cats to spit on tattoos. In fact most of people in body arts ARE animal rights supporters, and thus we, tattooed people are more likely to care well about animals than others. That’s good to be tolerant with animal but what is the point if you dislike some human being just because he has some piece of art of his choice on his skin ?
All this to say that, please, stop the hysterical exageration. Read what ennemies of animal rights say about us. It is exactly comments like that weakens the whole effort. Say that animal must have rights, to be treated well and respected, but please, don’t go out on the street running around howling that animals should vote. And remember, humans are animals too.
Sorry for by bad english and thanx respecting my point of view.
I want a hairless cat sooo so bad, and i see nothing wrong with tattoos on them– but ONLY to give them a small mark (not these huge chestpeices) to differentiate them from the hundreds of thousands of hairless cats in the world today.
if my hairless cat ran away and wasn’t marked and i went looking for him/her i’d want a tattoo on him/her so people could look for “my cat with the small tattoo on his/her chest/foot/hip.” in that sense, its quite ingenious. its like a small tracking device.
Sphynx not spinx .
Jesus Christ, you’re all insane….. I’m sticking to dogs!
^Spell check that mother f!@#er!
I think the real issue is this cats underlying addiction to pain meds……this cat has reache an all time low when it wants a tattoo just to get its rx fix……and that owner is just an enabler to her junkie kitty.
I think that the tattooing is OK as long as the animal cant feel the tattooing process. Plus giving your cat a tattoo isn’t just about using them as a fashion accessory. Tattooed have sentimental reasons as well as aesthetic purposes. It said in the article that the cat couldn’t feel any of it and it probably couldn’t even see the tattoo if it wanted to. So stop hating on this poor woman.
If by that logic, I shall take one of your children and tattoo their back. They shouldn’t feel any pain and, then, they can’t see it if they wanted to since it’s on their back. You love your child so, you know. Sentiments.
Seriously, can you people hear yourselves? You wouldn’t do this to a child so why do it to another innocent being? Leave well enough alone and love your cat by being its slave.
yeah you all go crazy about this but no one says a word about the practices of getting a different new fad breed to sell or the fact that they actually cut the ears and bob tails on certain breeds of dogs and call it an actual breed I am against this as much as anybody would be but don’t start yelling and whining over this and ignore the rest that goes on in this country for the sake of so called beauty in animals.
Also lets keep in mind the breed that you are talking about is another artificial breed of cat that didnt exist till 1966 and it came about when a hairless kitten born was backbreeded with its on mother to get more look it up but again you people will ignore that kind of mentality and yell about this get your priorities straight .
Having 2 Sphynx cats which I love very much for 16 years and being covered in tattoos myself, i am disgusted by this. Tattoos are painful and can get infected very easily if not taken very particular care of. They take up to two weeks to fully heal and in that time the cat is probably licking itself a lot and the ability of infection is very real. It does look cool, but it’s equivalent of tattooing your 3 week old child. I am appalled!
i love sphynxs and cornish rexs and also love tattooes and i really like how its look like :) i understand that is bad for cat but looks like great and if tattoo was doing the master and veterinar i dont think that it was painfull or bad to cat
It looks like the cat doesn’t mind. He probably doesn’t even know it’s there.
“(RSPCA = Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in England)”
The RSPCA is actually throughout the whole of the UK not just England.
I haven’t read many comments on this, just happened across this one:
‘Oh, and people are also slaughtering each other all over the world too. there’s also that. Unconscious cats getting tattoos? Kinda at the bottom of my ethics to-do list.’
…and every now and then I just can’t help myself but reply. It’s people with this headset that I hate more than the people slaughtering each other. I don’t see why ANYONE or ANYTHING should be valued any different than another…? because of speech? because of thumbs? humans are the most disrespectful living thing on the planet, throughout history, we kill without any need to kill, destroy without any reason. HUMANS are at the bottom of the ethics to-do list in my opinion, as the creature exercising the least respect for anything other than themselves because of some blatant superiority complex. we are animal farm pigs.
@pops138: i give you thumbs up.
saddest parts of movies are when animals die. not the people
So animals are forced to wear outfits and hats its basically the same thing exept the pain afterwards
We all care about animals so why would this mean and cruel woman do this to her own cute little Sphynx cat, I’d like to see if she’s even brave enough to get a tatoo herself, hmmmmph!!!