Help Silvermoon Win the Cat photo Contest Grand Prize of $500!

Meow and hello to you all!
I am a stuning white/silverish 2 year old female cat lady, who likes puring, pets, kissies ll ovver me (from my mommy), climbing trees and eeting gourmet cat food.
Me and my brother Sami luv cudling togedder and chasing eechoder around de house and all over momies furniture!
I’m wel behaved except when it comes to steeling food of momies plate. I just cant resist de temptation!! I luv fresh fish and meetbols!!!
As a kitti i once fell into de garbage bin and couldnt climb out agin. Wen momi got to me i waz covered in banana peels!! MOL MOL MOL!! I never went in der again!
Cats and hoomans, pleeeeees vote for me, I’d soooo luv to win de prize fom dis cute cat photo contest!!!
Vote for SilverMoon by casting a star ranking, Facebook like, Google+1 it and leave a comment here! SilverMoon is an entrant in the “500 Cutest Cats in The World” Cat Photo Contest.
Please vote for me!! THANKS!!! Luv, Moony
I VOTES!!!! you iz sooo cute Moony!!!