Suggest Cat Charities & Shelters We Can Support

We’ll Donate to Most Voted Cat Rescue Shelter Charity

We at CatLovingCare love catsĀ  :-) and would love to help rescue cats… So we’ll donate 10% of all book processing proceeds to a cat charity or cat rescue shelter.
Every book we publish helps save cats from being gassed or starving to death.
Another good reason for you to register your kitty in one or more of our books! However, we’d like you to help;

  1. Suggest a charity by posting a comment on this page (scroll down).
  2. Vote thumbs up/down on someone else’s suggestion here or reply to their comment if you want to ask more info or say something.
  3. Most popular cat rescues & shelters get into the final voting page here.
In future we’ll only present on this page a selection of the toppermost 10 most voted cat shelters & charities you cats and mommies/daddies like the best.
Let’s hear your voice!

18 thoughts on “Suggest Cat Charities & Shelters We Can Support”

  1. I’m not sure how all of this works. This is my first time on this site. If I had a choice I would suggest helping a shelter in my area. It is a no kill shelter that rescues cats and finds them good homes. Indoor homes. They are building another building that will house 200 cats. They need donations to finish it. I am a cat owner and have taken in cats that people have abandoned also. I have 3 cats and 4 kittens in my yard now that I am feeding and trying to get in a shelter. I think they were all abandoned. I put an ad in the local paper in the lost and found and put up fliers abd no one has claimed them.
    The name of the shelter I would like to help is: Kitty Harbor. It is located in Griswold CT. Kitty Harbor Inc. 2263 Glasgo Road Griswold, CT. 06351-9114 It is a no kill sanctuary for homeless, abandoned or abused cats and kittens.
    Phone: 860-376-9062 Fax: 860-376-9064 E-mail- [email protected]
    Website: If possible I would like to suggest this shelter for help. They have rescued many cats since opening in 2005. They screen people who adopt also. They don’t just let anyone take the cats or kittens home. It would really be great if they could complete the other building and help even more cats. There is such a great need for these shelters. It is also a non profit shelter. The owner’s name is Marylou. The email goes directly to her. If you could help this shelter it would be great. If more information is needed please email me. [email protected] or call 860-373-8243.

    Thank You,
    Jo-Ann Smallridge

  2. Milo’s Sanctuary is a non-profit 501(c)(3) that rescues special needs cats & kittens. Milo’s that was founded on the belief that all cats deserve a second chance at life, especially those that have physical disabilities (such as blindness, deformities, etc), are seniors, have a terminal illness or have been abused and need someone to care for love and understand them.

    They foster in private homes and have a Lifetime Care Program for the cats that cannot be rehomed. Milo’s promise to them is that when they rescue them they will have a safe and loving environment to spend the rest of their lives in. They receive all the medical care and anything else that they may require to have the best quality of life they can give them for as long as they can.

    Milo’s rescues the cats that are often left behind, abandoned, and overlooked at shelters because they are not the prettiest, healthiest or most perfect. But in Milo’s eyes they are the most special.


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