Help Piper Win The Cover Cat Photography Contest

Piper was sort of a rescue.
Our store kitty had kittens and I had to take her home..
She is so black and shiny it is very difficult to get a good picture of her, that is why I chose this one.
It was totally unexpected that it would turn out as good as it did.
She also hates the camera.
She is strictly indoor only.
She loves Temptations cat treats.
She loves to sleep on her daddy and playing with the laser pointer. Catnip is a favorite too.
She doesn’t like the 3 newest members of the family at all, but she is ok with Baby who is her half brother.
Help Piper win this cat photo competition!
How to vote? Star rate Piper, like and share, write a comment below!
Piper’s a real beauty!
My cats hate the camera, too. Meow!
Nina only likes the camera when she lays on something black… considering she is all black… it makes things difficult.
Piper you little princess! You are gorgeous! It *is* hard to do black kitties justice with photos unless the light is really good. I have two of them so I know. I hope you win. You are doing it tough; change of territory, new litter of kitties AND new “family” to adjust to life with. Sigh!