Learn the Truth about Fresh Catnip & What it does to Cats!
In this video, you’ll see how fresh catnip plants drug cats and cause STRANGE Behavior, sexual arousment and loud purring, playfulness and dribble!
The cats in this cat catnip video are GRATELY enjoying themselves by getting high on catnip. However, dried catnip doesn’t have the same effect as fresh catnip does.
Watch this cat video to see what happens to cats on catnip!
Announcing Our FREE Cat Adoption Classifieds Service
Are you looking to adopt a kitten or a cat? Willing to buy a cat?
Do you need to find some cat lover to adopt your kitty or cats?
Our new cat adoption classifieds ads is a free service to you, who want to find a new home for your cats, sell your kittens or give them away for adoption. Charitable cat organisations and cat pet shelters are welcome.
CatLovingCare’s cat adoption classified ads is also free for anyone interested in placing a cat-wanted ad.
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How Would YOU Like it if you Woke up With a Tattoo on Your Chest?
Horrified Animal Rights Campaigners, slammed down a new starting trend of tattooing poor innocent cats, in Russia Moscow.
The first tattooed cat, is called Mickey, a pure bread and pedigreed Spinx cat, who after 3 hours of being under anesthesia, he finally emerged with a brand new, colorful tattoo of Tutanakhamun on his chest!
Crazy Woman Tattooed her poor spinx cat!
Oksana Popova, Mickey’s owner, said that she wanted something new and different for
This woman is keeping 130 Stray Cats in ONE LITTLE appartment! They are soooo crouded, they nearly sitt one ontop of the other! At first I couldn’t believe it, but really, this cat video is a MUST WATCH!!! No matter how much I explain, you still have to see it to understand me…
Join the Conversation:
What do you think about it? Is it OK to have SO MANY CATS in one appartment? They are very crowded… Is it fair for the cats to live like that, all stuck one over the other? Where do they poop? Can she have 130 litter boxes? It (her house) must stink terribly!
Cats love mice toys, since it simulates hunting a real live mouse.
Cats were wild hunters in nature, they climbed, pounced and caught other little animals.
Today, even the typical indoor house cat still carries in her blood the desire to hunt. This is good, since she therefore can protect your home from mice and other rodents.
Every cat enjoys a good game of hunting and is very happy if you play with him/her with a cat toy, especially if it is a cat mouse toy.
All cats love and enjoy the fun of catching mice toys, biting the toy mice and “killing” the mouse.
Therefore, every loving cat owner should have some sort of nice cat mouse toy to entertain their little darlings and play with them.
Playing with cat mice toys, not only makes your cat happy, but also tunes their muscles, exercises them and prevents your cats from getting fat!
Here is another delicious homemade cat food recipe for your cats to enjoy!
Cats love meat, so a meat ball delight is a perfect homemade cat food recipe to make for your cat!
These homemade cat meat balls shouldn’t take longer then approximately 30 minutes even a little less than half an hour to be prepared, baked and done.
If you use the right amount of each ingredient for this cat food recipe, then you should have around 24 meat balls for your cat.
Table scraps are not a healthy cat food diet and are a major cause of digestive disorders in cats.
People give their pet dogs and cats all kinds of foods that are not good for them, forgetting they are animals, have different digestive systems than we do and do not brush teeth.
Then some are surprised their poor little kitty cat has the runs (Diarrhea) or constipation issues, and next, they suppose that pumping meds into their cats’ body will resolve the issue…
Remember, camouflaging the simptoms with meds is not treating the root cause of the problem.
Cats love eating chicken and chicken necks - click to see large image
Most cats love eating natural cat food such as raw chicken and other raw meats. Chicken, meat and fish is a Cats’ favorite and healthy food.
In nature, cats would hunt birds and eat them up – uncooked, naturally!
Some cat owners don’t like looking at raw food and feel disgusted by giving bloody meat to their cats.
Cats however love it. Eating raw meat such as [chicken cat food->], turkey, beef, rabbit etc and of course the all-addicting raw fish meat is the natural healthy diet cat food.
Cats love drinking fresh blood, so don’t feel horrified if your kitten or kitty cat wants to drink blood from meat or chicken.
Look, when cats run around outdoors they hunt small snakes in the garden, bugs, flying things… When cats climb trees they catch lizards, birds and eat up raw eggs. Cats love raw eggs and raw meat foods.
You might see your cat looking so ravenous with the raw chicken, turkey or other meat or fish you give it… Then you know they are happy and were starved for natural raw cat food.
We might not like them eating such stuff, but it is their natural healthy cat food diet.
Some folks swear by dry cat food for cats. They might have 19 YO cat living solely on dry cat food diet and their cat seem quite fine.
They say dry cat food is the most balanced, fiber and nutrition rich. And of course, it is easier and less hassles, especially when one travels a lot away from home or is gone for long hours every day.
The quality of commercial cat food, however, depends upon the brand of dry or even wet cat foods you buy for your cat.
As a rule, RAW cat food is VERY GOOD for cats. It is their natural food.
Do you suppose they have a kitchen and pots in nature?
The younger you start cats on raw food diet, the better…
Police Sued Aurora Woman For $35,000 for Mistreating her 102 Cats
Click here for Free Cat Adoption Classifieds
102 cats were discovered dying of hunger and thirst in Shirley Bowman’s garage, after she took off for a 2 week holiday, jailing her cats in her 2-car garage, without providing them any food or water.
Shirley Bowman, a woman in her 50s, was hoarding 102 cats in her mansion home in Aurora, the second largest city in the U.S. state of Illinois.
The First Cat and Dog Airplane Lands in Colorado on Wednesday
The first pet airplane landed safely on Wednesday at the Rocky Mountain Airport with 35 cats and dogs together, all miauing and barking from their cages.
The pet airline was founded and created by Dan Wiesel after he had to place his Jack Russell terrier on a flight in the cargo room and just worried the hall time about him.
Therefore Dan Wiesel started working on his only for pets airline five years ago to ensure a safe and secure journey for ‘flying’ pets.
Does your Cat Want a Change of Taste in Cat Foods?
Best Delicious Homemade Cat Food Recipe
Cats can be very fussy eaters, and therefore prefer to have warm home made cat food, just like for a child. Sometimes we can’t help but give our dear cat a special cat treat that is home made and healthy. Especially on a cats birthday, you should spoil your cat and give her a lovely Homemade Chicken Cat Food for lucky, healthy and satisfied Cats!