latke pancakes with platano recipe for hungry cat lovers
yummy hearty recipes from cat to cat lovers
my mommy make me vonderfull foodles. i’z lov her. she best in world, meow, miau.
ilike dis new one pancake latkes i tink she put some mice in dem even she sez its vegeterian.
grate for sorprizing our mommies on motherday and stuffing our face anyday.
I steel dat recepie for yu. itz a SECRET recepi so dont tell ANYONE about it, it is too yummy to share ;) :lol:
and hier it iz…
de SECRET ingrediens:
eggz [5-6]
wholewheat ground breadcrumbs [very fine, like flour almost. mi like organic german bread]
sea salt, ground pepper, finely ground oregano powder, sweet red paprica powder, little bitsy of ginger powder and mustard powder if yu hav [i likes lots of paprica. be careful wiz oregano, taste as u add it]
lots of fresh garlic [my breath is vonderfol and it kips de flu away], chop or grind very fine
It was dawn on the upper West Side when a young woman was awakened by a terrible loud screech, mixed with a terrified meowing of a cat.
Running out onto her fifth-floor balcony, (where minutes before her beloved cat Eddie had been sleeping on a bench) she was just in time to see him being lifted up into the air by a red tailed hawk.
All that was left behind of her beloved cat, was shreds of fur, broken nails, and feathers.
Heartbroken, and weeping the woman, ran out into the street looking everywhere, hoping at least to find his body to cry over even if he were already dead. Whomever she turned to for help, told her it were a pointless waste of time, as he was surely dead.
Her beloved Eddie, her companion in her lonely Manhattan flat, suddenly gone forever!
“I walked for hours all over the neighborhood and up Riverside Drive, sobbing, looking for his body,” she said.
“I went to all the hawks’ nests. I put up signs with Eddie’s photo. I was heartbroken!”
Nothing seemed to help. No one had seen him. Not even his body was found. Eddie had vanished.
Or so it seemed, until a neighbor called her up to say he’d found her cat.
This is what happened:
When the hawk picked up Eddie, he didn’t realize what a heavy load he was taking up.
You see, Eddie is a 15 pound fat white cat, and that is a mighty weight for a 4 pound hawk.
He managed to carry him for about 50 feet, before dropping becoming too exhausted and dropping him.
Like a heavy rock Eddie headed towards the ground towards a sure death from the height of 5 stories.
However, by a
On Thursday morning, a resident in Syracuse’s Tipperary Hill area discovered a box containing more than 21 kittens while she was taking a walk.
The woman brought the box of surprises to Fairmount Animal Hospital, where they received the care that they need.
The kittens were surprisingly in good shape with just a few fleas. They are believed to be about two to three weeks old and probably born to three separate mothers.
On Friday, only a day later, each of the kittens has a clean bill of health and most have already been adopted.
The Fairmount Animal Hospital says they are surprised at the incredible
Is Your Cat Scratching Up all your nice Furniture?
Tips before you Buy a Cat Scratching Tree Or Cat Furniture!
Cat Scratching Tree Silver Plush
If you are going through with your cat, even just half of what we went through with the cat scratching problem, then i feal very sorry for you.
We almost gave our Cats away.
They scratched up our furniture so badly, that after trying every other technic we could think off, my mother went nuts and told me if I couldn’t think of a way to stop cat scratching furniture, our cats would be out!
What a horrible thought! I imediatly started thinking of ways how to stop the cats scratching our furniture. But nothing helped. Our Cats still scratched our funiture and it only got worse.
At least until one of us finally had the great idea to get our cats some of their own Cat Scratching furniture.
Hopefully we would train our cats to use the scratching tree and they would stop scratching our furniture!
Well, we got our cats the scratching tree for cats and I have not much to say after that for they certainly left our furniture alone.
A bit of training and guiding them to scratch the cat tree and our furniture (and cats) where saved!
What Cat Scratching Tree is the Right one for my Cat?
Brown Cat Scratching Trees
That depends on your cats size, climbing skills and age.
For younger cats, I would certainly advise you to buy a small cat scratching tree, since young cats (kittens especially) are often very jumpy and careless. Therefore, your cat might get carried away in a game on the cat climbing tree and suddenly fall of it onto the floor and get hurt.
Although cats almost always land on their feet, there still is a chance that your kitten might fall of the cat scratching tree and land on it’s back and get injoured.
This has once happend to our cat Mio, but since the cat condo was a low one, he luckely got up again and climbed back onto the tree.
For Cats with better climbing skills a tall cat tree is a nice challenge for them.
A good excersise for cats is climbing trees and therefore climbing up tall cat trees strengthens your cat muscles and arms.
Large Cat Condo
What size Cat Tree is Right for 2 or more Cats?
A large Cat Scratching Tree is good for 2 or more cats since it has enough space for all of them to sit on. In my opinion, a good cat condo tree for 2 or more cats would be a wide cat tree with many ledges and corners for the cats to sitt on.
Also, wide ledges are preffered, since some cats like sitting together on a ledge or like to sleep near eachother.
Sometimes large cat condos or tall cat scratching trees are also good for many cats since the cats can then climb around on it and then leap down on you from above. :lol:
Cat Scratching Furniture for Indoor Cats?
What size Scratching Furniture would be recommendable for indoor only cats?
I would say, like the above, lots of room to scratch; therefore a large cat scratching tree.
Even better, i would recommend for indoor only cats a very Tall cat scratching tree, since they cats can then climb on their tree and excersise themselves, like in nature..
Smoky is a brown tabby cat who nearly didn’t make it. We found him crawling along the pavement as a very young kitten. He was heading for a busy road and was suffering from terrible cat flu. His eyes were all glued up, so he couldn’t see a thing and his fur was dirty and matted. He really was in a bad way.
We think that he had come from a nearby graveyard where a group of feral cats had been living. By the state of him he had obviously been abandoned by his mother. We scooped him up and took him to the vets. It really didn’t look good for a long time. He stumbled around a lot as he couldn’t see and he found it difficult to eat.
We had to stay with him constantly for the next few days and spoon-fed him tiny amounts of warm milk. Luckily he did recover, although he has been cross-eyed ever since and we think that his vision has been affected, but generally he is a very lovely cat.
Funnily enough he has never wanted to go outside his whole life even though we have encouraged him. I think he just wants to feel safe and secure after his ordeal as a kitten. Smoky is now 13 years old and has given us many years of fun and companionship and is a very happy cat as you can see from his photo.
If you have a nice cat rescue story that you’d like to share, simply fill it into the comment box below or email it to: camille @ catlovingcare . com (without the spaces)
It all started this way….
I came onto facebook with my paws first and left a long trail of posts, pictures and happy thoughts behind me. I met nice new cat friends, socialized with other cats and match-maked some of my best girl friends to other male cats I knew. I had fun! NO, what am i saying? LOTS of Fun! Tons of it!
I saw my best friend Aladdin married to another pretty white girl cat Snow and spend hours chatting back and forth and going to catting-out-parties.
I made a group and got almost 2000 members in a short while.
Everything was going fine! I was happy…but….there was SOMETHING which I was missing. What was it? I wondered about it for a while and watched how yet another happy catcouple was going to get married. Just then it hit me!
I had been for almost 2 Years on facebook and had NEVER, I say it again, NEVER had a date in my entire LIFE!!
Howvery sad.
Then one day, without ever suspecting it to happen, I was suddenly invited out on a date by a cute looking, good natured cat named Fonzie Cat!
Me and Fonzie under the Rose Arch on our first Date!! Falling in love already....
And well, it didn’t take too long for us two to fall in love! Actually it happened that same day!
Ever since then, we’ve been happy and loving eachother madly, running off to some lonely nature spots and having fun climbing trees together, cuddlying on benches and purring in unisome!
And Lately, We’ve been starting to write eachother Love poems.
This is the first one I wrote Fonzie:
Fonzie Dear's Poem
And this is the one Fonzie wrote back to me! Isn’t it sweeeeet?
What would you write him back if you were me?
I wrote him this:
~ My Fonzie Dear ~
When i see your little wet nose,
I feel a tingling sensation from down in my toes
and feel like kissing you from head to toe,
but even that my enormous love won’t be able show!
When I look into your eyes,
through my heart a love bird flies,
and it chirps about your kind deeds,
and plants many more life long love seeds!
Forever mine,
forever with me,
Forever I’ll love,
Forever with you I’ll be!
My Love For Fonzie I can’t express,
and even he it can only guess,
for so large is it,
that only a bit,
can i show,
everyday that with him I go!
Here is another delicious homemade cat food recipe for your cats to enjoy!
These homemade cat meat balls shouldn’t take longer then approximately 30 minutes\ half an hour to be baked.
If you use the right amount of each ingreadient for this cat food recipe, then you should have around 24 meat balls for your cat.
What Ingredients for Cat Meat Balls:
1 small finely grated carrot
1/2 pound ground beef or turkey
1 tablespoon grated cheese
1 teaspoon brewer’s yeast
1 teaspoon dried catnip
1/2 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
1 beaten up egg
1 tablespoon tomato paste
Backing Directions for this Cat Food Recipe:
Make sure to preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
Lightly Grease a cookie sheet for the meat balls.
Mix the meat, the carrot, the cheese, the brewer’s yeast, the catnip and bread crumbs in a medium sized bowl.
Then you can add the egg and tomato paste and mix well.
Use your hands to roll the mixture into little sized meatballs and place on a cookie sheet.
Baking should take no longer then about 15 to 20 minutes until the cat meatballs are brownish and firm.
Wait for the homemade cat meat balls to cool before serving them on a low plate for your cat/s to enjoy!
If you have only one cat and don’t want it (or it can’t) to eat up all the meat balls in one day, then you can store the homemade cat meat balls in a refrigerator or freezer.
Remember to let the homemade cat meatballs cool off completely before storing in an airtight container in the These freeze well.
I hope that you’re cats will love these yummy homemade cat meat balls and have a lovely dinner.
Cats Poisoned in Hope of Saving Endangered Western Ground Parrots
Wild, Feral Cats being poisoned in Western Australia
Poisonous baits are being dropped by plane in two national parks in West Australia in order to kill off feral cats preying on the Western Ground Parrot.
The Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) says the western ground parrot is one of Australia’s most critically endangered species, with fewer than 140 of the birds known to be alive.
In an attempt to fend off the rapid decline, the DEC have begun trialling cat baits in the Fitzgerald River National Park and Cape Arid National Park on WA’s south coast.
The two parks are the only places where the parrots still survive.
DEC ecologist Sarah Comer thinks that the feral cats are the major factor in the parrot’s decline. She also said that the effectiveness of the baits would be closely watched.
“The first batch of Eradicat baits were dropped by plane in the Fitzgerald River National Park in mid April, with more bait drops following over the past few weeks,” Ms Comer said.
“A number of cats are being radio-tracked, and it is hoped we will get clear evidence of mortality following the baiting.”
Three little kittens can thank their lucky stars for being spotted and saved by vigilant bin men, seconds before being crushed to death in the back of a refuse (garbage) truck.
The eight-week old black and white kittens were found stuffed into a shoe box in a garbage bag, last Friday by refuse workers in Montague Road, West Hendon, while they were on their rounds collecting garbages.
They had been about to chuck the garbage bag along with other rubbish into the powerful crusher at the back of their truck when one of them suddenly caught sight of the kittens (or perhaps heard a little meow from inside one of the plastic bags).
Upon finding the kittens, they spoke to a local resident who agreed to rehome two of the cats and took the last of the trio to The Mayhew Animal Home in Kensal Rise, where staff have named him Bin because of his ordeal.
Mayhew CEO, Caroline Yates, said: “It is hard to comprehend that anyone would leave three vulnerable kittens trapped in a shoebox left for a fate of certain death.”
“There is no excuse for dumping any animals in such a cruel and heartless manner when there are many charities and organisations in London to approach for help.” A spokesman said.
“Luckily they were found in time and a compassionate member of the public brought one of them to The Mayhew to find a safe new home.”
My Comments:
What do you think about this? Would YOU do the same thing to your kittens if you couldn’t find a home for them and wanted to get rid of them? Could it be that the person who threw them out was somehow hoping that they would be found by someone kind and rescued? Or do you think that they were simply cold hearted and mean?
Comment below.
Thanks for reading and I hope none of you will do the same to your kitties!
A true Kitty Rescue Story told by one of our readers and fellow cat lovers, Dalilia from Toronto.
Read it here:
This Story happened in the year of 2007, December, when my uncle was driving to my 15 birthday party.
You see, I never had any pets and I never really hoped to get any because my father never wanted to have any pets because he fears them, but on that day, I somehow had a premonition that something extrodinary was going to happen; and it did!
We were sitting at home waiting for him to come when all of a sudden the doorbell rang and there he was!
Mom ran to open the door and all of a sudden, she gave out a little cry and rushed back in clutching her hands together and crying out almost hysterically: “He’s got a cat with him! A half frozen up little creature! Oh come quick! It’s almost dead!”
I rushed up to him and found in his arms a stiffly frozen, little white
I have found that many cat and dog owners have at least once in their lives suffered a loss of a wonderful friend (i.e. cat), a life long companion.
Such an occurrence is very sad. The sufferings and pain from a death of a cat or dog is sometimes a very difficult thing to cope with. Some people cry and grieve for years over a lost cat or dog, and some people forget sooner about their dead pet….
Here is a lovely little story about peg’s dead cat.
This is how it all began:
“Willy, my cat, came into my life at about 10 weeks old, following the death of my husband in 1997.
Willy was a special cat who knew all of my moods and was there for me every moment of every day.
He had always had what we thought to be a “hairball cough” that I treated with hairball remedy.
Last October the cough grew more persistent and I took him to my vet who thought he had feline asthma. He was treated with prednisone, but did not get better. In January the vet did a complete blood workup, which did not show any problems, so the prednisone was continued. Then on Feb. 17 I noticed he was having labored breathing so I watched him very closely for the next 2 days. On Feb. 19 (his 10th birthday), he wasn’t any better so I took him back to the vet. He did an x-ray and it showed a large mass taking up space in his lung. It was inoperable, and I had to make the decision to have him euthanized the next day.
I was there with him when the procedure was done and I kept my hand on his head until it was over. I have cried every day since then, and will continue to grieve for a time. I had him cremated and brought the ashes home this week. In the spring I will bury his ashes along with his favorite toy, which was a stuffed catnip mouse, in my flower garden. Since I’m a widow, I’ll probably be the only one there, unless my daughter and her family come out. I will put a pet grave marker on top of his grave.
He was my best friend, and he filled that hole in my heart with sunshine and joy every day of his life. He will never be forgotten. I have photos of him all over my house, because he went into every room in my house. He slept on the foot of my bed, and loved to snuggle in my lap.”
“I love you dear Willy and always will!”
If you have any of your own touching dead pet/ cat stories, then please write them into the little comment box below, we’d love to hear them!
Read this article on [how to respectfully bury your dead pet cat or dog!->how-to-respectfully-bury-your-pet]
Frozen Chicken, Frozen Fish, … Frozen Kitty? What Next?
Kitty in Fridge
When I was a junior in college, I adopted a cat from the ASPCA, and named him Moe. Little did I know at the time, he was a Maine Coone, and would turn out to be a huge, furry, wild one at that. Moe loved to get himself into all kinds of trouble. One morning, my mother even awoke to Moe swinging by his front paws from the chandelier, and, to this day, I’ve yet to hear the end of it.
More than anything else, Moe wanted to hang out in the refrigerator—I imagine all that fur made him hot—and it was all I could do keep him out of it.
Every time I opened the door, he’d sprint from the other end of the room to get a peek and a paw inside. One night, just before bed, I opened the fridge to get a bottle of water, and, unbeknown to me, as I turned my back, Moe jumped in.
At some point each night, Moe would snuggle onto the foot of my bed and snooze the rest of the night away with me, but when I woke up and couldn’t find him, the search was on.
Finally, I thought to open the fridge, and there was Moe, perched comfortably on the bottom shelf—six hours later.
Funny enough, he barely nudged when I opened the door, but instead stepped out, stretched and went about his business. Either way, I was beside myself. I had locked my cat in the fridge—what else was there to say? All I could do was thank my lucky stars he survived.
Brynn Manino
Seen on:
Curiosity almost killed a four-month-old kitten when it went for an adventure in a washing machine and ended up in the spin cycle.
The fluffy, white, Persian kitten – aptly named Kimba after the cartoon white lion – climbed into the front loader while Lindsay Rogers was loading the machine at his home in Manly Vale, on Sydney’s north shore.
Not knowing Kimba was inside the machine exploring the dirty clothes, Mr Rogers innocently loaded it and turned the machine on.
“I put the clothes in, put the powder and the fabric softener in, put it on a cold wash – which was very lucky – and put it on for a 30-minute cycle,” Mr Rogers told the Manly Daily newspaper.
“When I opened the door, it just went ‘meow’ and stuck its head out. I couldn’t believe it – the spin cycle at the end goes really fast and I couldn’t believe it survived.”
While the bedraggled – and rather dizzy – Kimba was no doubt a lot cleaner after his adventure, the kitten was actually very ill, with very sore eyes from the washing detergent.
Mr Rogers rushed the kitten – who he described as “looking like a drowned rat” – to the local vet, who immediately put it on an intravenous drip.
The head nurse at the Allambie Veterinary clinic, Natalie Macdonald, said Kimba was “very flat and wet … and not very responsive” when she arrived.
“She was suffering from shock and hypothermia and they put her on a heat mat and dried her until her body temperature slowly returned to normal,” Ms Macdonald said.
Mr Rogers said Kimba returned to normal a couple of hours later.
“It is just amazing that she survived but we reckon she’s used all of her nine lives,” he said.
Man, this cat is FAT! Check it out for yourself on this video:
After posting this one, i just found an even FATTER kitty! Jickes, this one is REALLY fat!
What do you think about that? Isn’t that cat a poor little thing?
After all, even though some people say that they like “their cats nice and squishy and fat” there is also the animal to consider:
Fat is not very healthy and can cause all kinds of health problems such as diabetes, lung problems, heart failure, kidney issues, cancer and so much more.
How can that poor fat thing even MOVE up and down the stairs or run about after mice? I don’t suppose that it really can. Do you think that your cat would be happy so fat as this one?
Why do you think that his owners let him or make him so fat? For the fame?
If so, I’d rather have a healthy and happy cat then a fat cat!
What do you think? Is it good to have a fat cat or not?
Share your thoughts with us below.