Is a Raw Food Diet Healthy for Cats and Kittens?

Most cats love eating natural cat food such as raw chicken and other raw meats. Chicken, meat and fish is a Cats’ favorite and healthy food.
In nature, cats would hunt birds and eat them up – uncooked, naturally!
Some cat owners don’t like looking at raw food and feel disgusted by giving bloody meat to their cats.
Cats however love it. Eating raw meat such as [chicken cat food->], turkey, beef, rabbit etc and of course the all-addicting raw fish meat is the natural healthy diet cat food.
Cats love drinking fresh blood, so don’t feel horrified if your kitten or kitty cat wants to drink blood from meat or chicken.
Look, when cats run around outdoors they hunt small snakes in the garden, bugs, flying things… When cats climb trees they catch lizards, birds and eat up raw eggs. Cats love raw eggs and raw meat foods.
You might see your cat looking so ravenous with the raw chicken, turkey or other meat or fish you give it… Then you know they are happy and were starved for natural raw cat food.
We might not like them eating such stuff, but it is their natural healthy cat food diet.