SCANDAL!!! Woman Pierces her Kittens

The Pierced “Gothic Kittens”
A 35 year old woman in Pennsylvania was just sentenced to house arrest for six months after having pierced her three young kittens on their necks, ears and docking their tails. As well as tying a ring around one of the kitten’s tails used to prevent blood flow, causing the tail to fall off in time.
Strangely enough, even though Crawford (as is the woman’s name) pierced her kittens with fourteen gauge needles (the size normally used to inject cattle) she claims not to have wanted to hurt them but only to have tried to “beautify” them.
She marketed them on the internet as “Gothic Kittens” and gained a lot of fame especially on her website were she put up pictures of the kittens and later used it to raise money to support her appeal in court.
Her defence lawyers argue that