Sookie, Starshine & Sophie Need a Loving Home! Adopt a Cat.
These three loving Cats, Sookie, Starshing and Sophie are up for adoption.
Can you adopt a rescue cat?
They would be soooo grateful to you,.. forever.
Sookie, Starshine and Sophie are all three loving and beautiful cats all in their own special way! Take a look at them.

Starshine Is For Adoption! Please Adopt me! Meow.
“Hi, I’m a beautiful Ginger cat that loves children and other cats too. I’ll always love you and if you adopt me, I will always thank you with one of the biggest gifts… LOVE!”
“Good morning starshine, you lead us along,
My love and me as we sing our early morning singing song.”
I’m no child of the ‘60s but I love this exuberant song. My soul is that way, too, but it’s waiting to be unleashed. Will you help me realize my true self? If you do, I bet a special star up there will glow brighter for you.
Starshine, 1 year old.
Sophie the Kind Cat For Adoption

“I’ve got the softest little voice and the softest fur to go with it.
Enhancing my look are striking white highlight hairs mixed into the black fur on my back and cute little tufts in my ears. When I’m bunking in a colony room with roommates, I’m always the speedy one who’s first at the door to great visitors.
I love people and definitely know how to show affection.
I’m hoping that one day, there will be someone there to love me back.
No matter how long it will take, i know it will be one day. And until that day, well, i won’t give up!