Black Cat Found after 1 Years Search!

Some people think that when a cat runs away, it is gone forever. Not so with Sparky!
This is an unusual story of a run-away cat who was found 1 year after his escape.
Last year the black cat Sparky scampered to freedom — and the unknown — from his home in Lexington, UK while his owners were visiting friends in Boston.
After Sparky fled, Addie Mathews, 19, posted flyers and scoured the neighborhood for the then 7-month-old kitten.
”There was no sign of him,” she said. ”I was just really hoping that someone had taken him in, because he’s a really friendly cat.”
A few weeks ago, someone discovered an abondond black cat in an empty bank-owned forclosure property. The owner had left it aswell as the cat behind. The cat was brought to the MSPCA in Jamaica Plain.
However, when the MSPCA counselor scanned the black cat, a microchip was found which gave the cats true identity – SPARKY!
That very same day, Sparky was reunited with his suprised owner Addie.
“I thought I’d never see him again!” She said suprised while looking down at the black kitty in her arms.
“You can’t imagine how glad I am to have him back with me again!”
Why do you think that Sparky ran away to begin with?
Was he unhappy with his owners, or did he just not know better and run out into the world as a curious little kitty and then get lost and end up locked up in the empty house without a way to get back home?
Do you think that it was faire that the person left the kitty alone in the for-closure house? I don’t!
Comment below if you’d like to share your thoughts with us.
I find the comment made about missing cats completely offensive and have really upset me even more than I am already. My 7 month old kitten has been missing for four weeks and she was very very happy. How dare you say that cats don’t run away if they are happy. I am constantly searching for my babay and am terrified something has happened to her
At 7 months of age Sparky was still a kitten; they’re all about exploring the big wide world. I don’t feel the owners were bad to him, at all. He saw a chance to get to the outside so he followed his instincts. It’s similar to a human toddler, they just want to check out the unknown.
The takeaway for me was to have even the kittens microchipped! That’s the only way he was reunited w/ his original owner.
Agree with Diane, Camille. At seven months, Sparky was a little tweenager, and a boy kitten at that. Into everything! and exploring the world. Looks to me like it’s a happy reunion for both Sparky and his person. A long, happy, healthy, safe, and loved life to him and to his person!
I agree, my cat always trys to get out when I’m going out or coming in to my house but she wants to explore the area but I live too close to a busy street and that I’m afraid that someone will take her because she is so sweet. But cats are very sneaky, if they see an open door and people don’t know there’s a cat or the cat is fast enough, the person wouldn’t see it run out. It’s not because it’s not happy being there, it’s wanting to explore. If the owner was that bad, don’t think the owner would have had the kitten microchipped. I am a big supporter of this.
Thanks for the support Jmuhj & Betty. Animals have a mind of their own sometimes, not to mention their basic instincts sometimes override training & protection by owners.
Hi to all of you,
I’m very sorry that i offended you guys, but it just seemed odd to me that the kitten would run away. I obviously don’t know as much as you guys do since my cat has never run away. I agree with you, but there are some cases when cats are being abused and they run away then. a neighbor of ours had her cat run away and we found out afterwards that she had abused him for months.
Thank you for your comments and thoughts on this subject and i am very sorry to have annoyed you guys.
If you read carefully, the cat escaped when the owners were away visiting.
Its routine was probably upset with someone else coming to the house-
may make it feel it has been abandoned. It may have felt insecure and left
to search for its owner. Or probably being a house cat it. felt the lure of the outdoors when the opportunity presents.
We adopted an abandoned cat (our third cat in the house). It feels very grateful but that does not deter it from disappearing some nights to return early dawn
You are right Connie. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that. You see, I never had a cat run away from me and my cat just LOVES me so I think that if it runs away it must be cos its unhappy. But you are right. I’ll change it.
Thanks for your input and your ideas! :-)
Luckily, this story had a good ending, but it is a great reminder to be very vigilant and not let your cats go outside, as many are not so fortunate. We can’t control the perverts that lurk around everywhere looking for opportunities to exploit vulnerable animals. Just like it is with kids, it’s very risky to let them out of your sight.