Amazing Cat Story: Eddie, the Super-Cat!

It was dawn on the upper West Side when a young woman was awakened by a terrible loud screech, mixed with a terrified meowing of a cat.
Running out onto her fifth-floor balcony, (where minutes before her beloved cat Eddie had been sleeping on a bench) she was just in time to see him being lifted up into the air by a red tailed hawk.
All that was left behind of her beloved cat, was shreds of fur, broken nails, and feathers.
Heartbroken, and weeping the woman, ran out into the street looking everywhere, hoping at least to find his body to cry over even if he were already dead. Whomever she turned to for help, told her it were a pointless waste of time, as he was surely dead.
Her beloved Eddie, her companion in her lonely Manhattan flat, suddenly gone forever!
“I walked for hours all over the neighborhood and up Riverside Drive, sobbing, looking for his body,” she said.
“I went to all the hawks’ nests. I put up signs with Eddie’s photo. I was heartbroken!”
Nothing seemed to help. No one had seen him. Not even his body was found. Eddie had vanished.
Or so it seemed, until a neighbor called her up to say he’d found her cat.
This is what happened:
When the hawk picked up Eddie, he didn’t realize what a heavy load he was taking up.
You see, Eddie is a 15 pound fat white cat, and that is a mighty weight for a 4 pound hawk.
He managed to carry him for about 50 feet, before dropping becoming too exhausted and dropping him.
Like a heavy rock Eddie headed towards the ground towards a sure death from the height of 5 stories.
However, by a stroke of pure luck, he landed onto a garden umbrella, bouncing off like a trampoline artist to safely land on a patch of soft grass.
The neighbor was awakened by a huge thud in his garden. He ran out and found his garden umbrella toppled over, and a cat in the corner, meowing in a state of utter shock.
Later that day when he spotted Eddie’s owners flyers around the neighborhood he called her up to announce the good news.
“I have your cat!” he said.
She came running immediately to pick him up and crying tears of joy embraced her darling cat.
Eddie and his owner were reunited once more.
“He’s fine except for some minor cuts, scrapes and bruises,” the woman said. “The vet says he’s an amazing cat. And he is. He’s a super cat!”
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What an amazing story ! I’m glad it had a happy ending for Eddie & his owner.