wat Camille de CAt lovs to EAT!!!!!!!!!!

yummy hearty recipes from cat to cat lovers
my mommy make me vonderfull foodles. i’z lov her. she best in world, meow, miau.
ilike dis new one pancake latkes i tink she put some mice in dem even she sez its vegeterian.
grate for sorprizing our mommies on motherday and stuffing our face anyday.
I steel dat recepie for yu. itz a SECRET recepi so dont tell ANYONE about it, it is too yummy to share ;) :lol:
and hier it iz…
de SECRET ingrediens:
- eggz [5-6]
- wholewheat ground breadcrumbs [very fine, like flour almost. mi like organic german bread]
- sea salt, ground pepper, finely ground oregano powder, sweet red paprica powder, little bitsy of ginger powder and mustard powder if yu hav [i likes lots of paprica. be careful wiz oregano, taste as u add it]
- lots of fresh garlic [my breath is vonderfol and it kips de flu away], chop or grind very fine
- fresh middle sized purple onion, minced fine
- carrot – grate it very fine and keep da juice
- zuccini – grate it very fine and keep da juice
HOWTO make it:
- mix de veggies and da herbs
- beat up de eggs [serves dem right for not being a bird yet] – and if yur fussy like mi mummy den remove de goo bits dat don’t wanna get beaten up.
add dem eggs to other stuff we mixed. mommy thinks 1 big carot, zuccini and 5 eggz is gut balance. - add de crumbs. crumbs is veri gut, but mix needs to be not dry, yet not too wet.
- form little balls and when pan/pot is very hot put them in and squash dem flat, so dat theyz not thick, maybe like your finger tip. [be carefol not stick yur paw in da pot. use a big spoon to squish it]
- test wif de fire yu haf on yur stove. middle high. mommy uzes teflon pot wif a bit of oil [wi like olive and sunflower mix].
keep adding some oil as needed, so pancakes get nice dark crispy brown on both sides. - Put de done ones on a plate on paper towels to absorb extra oil
- GRAB DA PLATE (wiz all pancakes) AND RUN FOR IT :twisted:
a mouse, but mommy sais NOOOO. snif snif. :cry:
here in dominican republic natives grow dis platano. its like a monster banana (not GMO/GE) for cooking. mommy buyz it yello, wat dey call “maduro” and makes sure it is veri ripe.
dis is aktually second best recepi ever… you gits 2 birdz in 1 go, so lisen wel.
i spy on’er and sees she boils pot wiz water, just a little higher water dan platanos iz when dey lie down on deir belliez. she puts in either fresh ginger (peeled chunk like 2 inch long, in small pieces, and boil for 10 minutes to give water gud taste) or powder ginger. den water boils and she puts in de platanos and lets’em cook till nice an soft.
we takes dem out (clean dem long banana threads dat choke me) and squeez fresh lime on top, yumm yummy in de tummy.
u kan mash dem if very soft.
take litle bitsy and diz goez on top of each pancake. purfect!!!!!!!!
doz yur mommy make you yummy foodles?
share dem here in comments box below!
This seems like a good recipe but I am a bit concerned about garlic and onions as several vets have told me that these two are NOT good for cats.
I do appreciate that like many things, different vets will have different opinions but hoping you might have some comments on this?
Many thanks..lovely site.