Guide To Grooming Your Cat

Joshua Simms says:

Grooming is also a big part of having a cat. Just as you get a shower every day, do your hair, and whatever else your grooming entails, your cat needs to be groomed as well. Although you don’t need to bathe your cat on a daily basis, there are other things that need to be taken care of regularly.

Bathing your Feline Friend

You really don’t have to bathe your cat too often, especially if

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A Detailed Guide to Grooming your Cat

Andrew Mcgregor writes:

To keep your cat happy, healthy and clean it is essential to properly groom your cat. By reading this section you will learn how and when to groom your cat and also what equipment to use. You will learn how to brush your cat, bath your cat, how to clean your cats ears and how to look after your cats teeth.

Brushing and combing your cat

Cats spend 10 percent of their waking hours grooming themselves by licking dirt and excess fur of their coat but this is not enough to properly keep them clean and some cats do not clean themselves properly. You should brush and comb your cat on a regular basis. Short-hair cats are

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