Can female cats get in sync with each others going into heat?

B asked:

I have two cats. One seven month old, and one six month old.
Last month the older cat started going into heat. This month the younger one had her first heat.
Now the older one is going through heat again. Did the younger one’s heat trigger the older one into heat again?
I have never had unspayed female cats, so I have no idea how often they go into heat.
Is this normal? Is it like when two women get their periods in sync with each other??
Thanks for the help!

Cat and Mouse movie

2 thoughts on “Can female cats get in sync with each others going into heat?”

  1. Frontline Cats

    Yes that can actually happen. This also happens with humans that live together or hang out alot. You can actually start getting periods the same time as your close friend/family member. Hope that helped! :)

  2. Cats And Fleas

    No, they don’t actually sync up, but cats who are unspayed can go into heat every other week and the heat can last 7-10 days at times. That’s why it may seem like they’re in sync with each other.

    Being in heat is very uncomfortable for them. They’re also more likely to try to run away in order to satiate their need. My sister’s cat ripped the screen out of a two story window and jumped out and was gone for days. When they get out, they run the risk of being exposed to diseases, getting run over by cars, or being taken in by another family.

    You should really consider getting them spayed. Imagine how uncomfortable you’d be if you couldn’t satiate yourself when you needed to.

    You should know this, every year, in January, there’s something called National Spay Day. (google it for more info). What it is is your local animal shelter will sell EXTREMELY low cost vouchers ($50) to use at your local vets for spaying, shots, and microchipping. All that normally costs like $600. It’s a great way to make sure your kitties are healthy and happy. Plus, spayed kitties tend to live longer too.

    Good luck with your new babies! :)


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